Youth Shabbat Brunch

Youth Shabbat Brunch

At the Youth Shabbat Brunch held on August 13, 2022, families were invited to sing, play, do crafts, and enjoy a delicious breakfast spread. This event was co-sponsored by Congregation Brit Shalom and the State College Area Jewish Federation. Future Youth Shabbat gatherings are planned for September 17, October 15, and November 5.

Youth Library

This winter, Marjorie Stromberg Miller, Director of Religious Education and Youth Engagement, established a special library for our .Religious School and Sunday School students. In June, students of all ages and their families were invited to a special Summer Library program. Please email Marjorie ( if you have books or games to donate to the Youth Library..

2022 Elective Day

Prospective, current and rising Kindergarten students participated in Elective Day through the Religious School on May 22, 2022 at Congregation Brit Shalom. Students chose either Arts & Crafts with Becca Thorsen or Music with Dov Gordon.

Students taking art made hamsas using dried beans, pasta and other items they found outside. Students in Dov's music class learned a variety of new songs and melodies, as well as Israeli Dancing!