Adult Education

Our adult education program consists of classes led and coordinated by Rabbi Ostrich as well as a variety of speakers and special events scheduled by our Program Committee.


Rabbi’s Torah Luncheons


The Rabbi’s Noon Torah Luncheons delve into Jewish texts and commentaries, and consider the lessons they can hold for modern Jews. During more normal times, we’d be treated to a delicious luncheon buffet prepared by our Office Manager, Michelle Davis. Because of our synagogue’s pandemic policies, however, the luncheon’s have been postponed until we can once again talk and eat, unmasked and in person.


Vacation Bible School for Grown-Ups

Also during Spring 2021, a one-week series of interactive presentations via Zoom was made by Rabbi Ostrich on a variety of intriguing topics.

June 13. Gematria: Jewish Numerology View the Gamatria Numbering Table —>
June 14. The Many Definitions of the Word “God”
June 15. A Developmental History of Judaism
June 16. Did the Jews Kill Jesus? Analysis and Deeper Dive into Ancient Documents
June 17. Business Ethics in the Talmud

For those of you that missed these adult education classes, you can view recordings of most of them.


Additional Activities

The Rabbi teaches tutorials for Gerut (conversion to Judaism). Please contact Rabbi Ostrich if you are interested.

Rabbi Ostrich is also a frequent instructor for Penn State's OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute). Please consult the OLLI website for their latest offerings.