Presenting Our Identities to the Lord and the World

September 20th: Ki Tavo
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

Our Torah portion this week begins with an ancient prayer—one recited by our ancestors when they brought the first fruits of their harvests to God in thanksgiving. When God’s promises were fulfilled—once they had settled in The Promised Land, farmed it, and harvested their crops, they were instructed to remember that God is the source of their blessings—and recite the following:
“My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down to Egypt with meager numbers and there and became a great and populous nation. The Egyptians dealt harshly with us, oppressing us and enslaving us. We cried to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord freed us from Egypt with a mighty hand, an outstretched arm and awesome power, and by signs and portents. God brought us to this place and gave us this land flowing with milk and honey. Wherefore I now bring the first fruits which You, O Lord, have given me.” (Deuteronomy 26.5-10) 

The prayer presents a summary of our story—a ritual summary designed to remind us of our place in God’s world, but, as a summary, it does not include everything. A different ritual might have called for a different summary story—with perhaps something about Abraham’s faith or the awesomeness of hearing the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Ours is a very rich history, and, since there is always more to say, the parts that match the occasion must be selected. 

This rich history and multidimensional identity of our Jewish people is also true of our individual identities. Each has a distinct background as well as wide ranging interests and affiliations. We each have an ethnic and family heritage and, when we consider our professional duties, our cultural interests and hobbies and charitable endeavors and civic activities, we each possess what we could call “multiple identities”—or a multi-valent identity. We each “wear a lot of caps,” and, at various moments, different aspects of our identities come to the fore. 

This variety makes our lives very rich, but it can also bring about some problems. I remember, for example, how, last October, an outspoken LGBT activist reported “losing dozens of friends” when her Zionism made her a pariah in some Progressive circles. For some, the conflict comes when their political party changes its position, and they find themselves in dissonance with longtime political allies. Sometimes, the conflict is in timing. What happens when a family event coincides with an important professional meeting—or when a big charitable project or sports event falls on Yom Kippur? It is like the old joke about the football fan who is stuck between the big game and Kol Nidre. His rabbi suggests that perhaps a VCR might provide relief. The man gets really excited and says, “Rabbi, you’d be willing to tape the service for me?!” Sometimes, we can get the conflicting events moved, but other times we are faced with making choices among our priorities—our identities.  

Back in the early years of the Zionist movement, some Jews opposed the development of a Jewish State because they thought it would jeopardize our position as loyal Americans. Can one have multi-identities without having “dual loyalties?” Some—both Jewish and non-Jewish—have worried about a potential armed conflict between the U.S. and Israel. Would Jews be loyal to America or to our fellow Jews? Fortunately, this theoretical fear has never come to pass, and hopefully it never will. Though there are often policy disagreements among friends and allies—and within each nation (!), the fact is that the United States and Israel are united in purpose and goals. As historian Ellis Rivkin used to say, Israel is the “beachhead of Democracy and American Developmental Capitalism in a part of the world where it is badly needed.” Israel is essentially an American asset in international relations and, though an independent nation, works with us at every step of the way.  

The more present conflict arises when our identity as Jews creates a dissonance with our identity as employees or students. What do we do when Rosh Hashanah falls on a weekday? Though our leaders have worked hard on this issue—and succeeded in getting laws and regulations that allow us to miss work on our Holy Days, still the conflict persists. Do we take off work and miss a big meeting or potential sale? Do we take off school and use up a “personal day” or miss a test or event? Freedom of religion means that we should be free to observe Judaism’s most holy days, but can we exercise this freedom without negative repercussions? Many of us feel pulled by our different identities and reluctant to miss work or school or services.  

There are many stories about these choices, but perhaps the most famous involves baseball legend Hank Greenberg who took the day in the 1934 American League Playoffs. He was the star of his team, but he went to Yom Kippur services instead of the ball field. It was a hard decision for Greenberg, and the difficulty was reflected in the decision he made just ten days earlier. On Rosh Hashanah, he felt the pull of both his Judaism and his team, and he ended up finessing the situation. He played on Rosh Hashanah afternoon (hitting two home runs and giving his Detroit Tigers a 2-1 victory) —but only after attending synagogue services that morning. On Yom Kippur, however, he made a different decision, praying in synagogue and skipping the game. He chose his faith over other important values, and his courage and dedication inspired Jews all over the country.  

When we live among non-Jews, there are so many questions to navigate. From singing Christmas carols in school to closing businesses on Yom Tov to participating in charitable work on Saturday mornings, we often find ourselves having to choose between our Judaism and our other important identities. It is just part of the territory, and we each learn to consider and decide and then sometimes redecide on our priorities. 

A final story. For some seventy years, my Mother lived a very Jewish life in very Catholic Cajun Louisiana. She encountered many challenges, seeing many accommodations and making quite a few herself. Some she understood. Others, in her mind, went too far. Among them was the local funeral home’s custom of putting a kneeling bench in front of the coffin—so that friends and relatives could kneel and say prayers for the deceased. This was the Catholic custom, and, since there were always Catholic mourners at funerals—even Jewish funerals, the kneeling bench was de rigueur. This really rankled her, and many times, during her last few decades, my Mom would look me straight in the eyes and implore me, “Please, when I die, do not let them put a kneeling bench in front of my coffin.” To her, this was a step too far, and I can report that, when she passed away, there was no kneeling bench.  

The High Holy Days are a good time to reflect on our multiple identities—and where we draw the line. Who are we? What do we represent? How can our actions express our highest values?

Visualizing World Peace

September 13th: Ki Tetze
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

“Oseh shalom bim’romav Hu ya’aseh shalom alaynu v’al kol Yisra’el v’al kol yosh’vay tevel.
May the One Who makes peace in the high heavens make peace for us, for all Israel,
and for all who dwell on earth.” 
World peace is a holy aspiration—a prayer and a sacred dream. We hope with all our hearts and souls that yam’lich Malchutay, that God’s peace will soon reign.  

World peace, however, is not a plan. It is not a policy. Between the dream and the reality, there are thousands of steps, plans, and policies—and it is worthwhile keeping this difference in mind. It is not a matter of visualizing world peace. It is a matter of figuring out, step by step, how we get to our goal. We also have to figure out how to get everyone else to work with us. 

As heirs of the Prophets, certain aspirations resonate in our souls.
“And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. 
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they study war.”
(Micah 4.3)
There is an element of messianism and utopianism in our faith—and we treasure it. And yet, the realities of life mean that this must be, for now, a distant dream. Our hopeful souls need to remember the many and challenging intermediate steps, and this week’s Torah portion comes with what we could call a reality check. 

Ki Tetze is concerned with dozens of difficult moments in life—situations that are messy and in which practicality and base instinct come face to face with the Torah’s hope for morality and holiness. Just look at the opening words, “When you go forth to war against your enemies…” (Deuteronomy 21.10) War! When war happens, it is serious business. Those other guys are trying to kill us—and perhaps our families and our future, too. 

Today, Israel—and in some ways the entire Jewish people—is at war. Terrible things are happening, and the hopeful among us often express their dreams for tranquility and love with utopian terms—terms like World Peace and Two State Solution. They are lovely sentiments, but is either a plan? The Two State Solution may be the obvious and long-term solution to the Arab-Israel Conflict, but it is not a policy—an actual possibility for this time. There is a big difference between utopian hopes and the current reality, and the recent and utterly gratuitous execution of Israeli hostages in Gaza is just a drop in a bucket of woe. 

If there is to be a Two State Solution, then there needs to be a polity of Arabs willing to step forward and constructively build it. There must be, in other words, Partners for Peace. When I usually hear this phrase, it is in the negative sense—and usually spoken by Benjamin Netanyahu. When he says, “There are no Partners for Peace,” some people hear this as an illustration of his intransigence and refusal to acknowledge the peoplehood and rights of the Palestinians. He is seen by many as a roadblock to any progress. Others, however, hear his words as exactly what he is saying: that there are no Arabs willing to step forward and make peace and build peace and preserve peace. I am neither a defender nor endorser of Mr. Netanyahu—or his politics or his military strategy, but, in this case, I wonder if he may know what he is talking about. 

There have been a few Arab leaders who wanted to work with Israel and build peace, but most of them are dead—murdered or maimed by other Arabs or Muslims who hate Jews more than they love the Palestinian future. Over the years, it has been very dangerous for Palestinian leaders to be too friendly with Israel, and this, according to many observers, is why Yasser Arafat refused land-for-peace offers that were 96% of what he demanded. Making peace with Israel would have put his life in danger—not from Jews but from more radical Arabs. So, whether we like Bibi or not, we need to answer the question: Are there Arab partners for peace? 

This is not a matter of a utopian vision; it is a practical matter of building and supporting a peaceful Palestinian State. By the way, simply speaking of a Palestinian State is not enough. For Israel’s existence, it must be a peaceful and cooperative Palestinian State, and a lot of people are waiting for the partners for peace to appear. Will they bravely step up and try to save their people from perpetual war—and will they survive to see it through? 

Let us not forget that Gaza is and has been an independent Palestinian State since 2005. From 2005 until now, the only times Israel has attacked Gaza have been in response to Hamas missile attacks or armed incursions from autonomous Palestinian Gaza into Israel. Remember that a cease-fire was in effect up until the moment Hamas launched its murderous and barbaric attack last October. Can anyone really think that Hamas—or Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad or even the terrorist-filled Palestinian Authority—are actual partners for peace? 

When we look at the latest outrage—the senseless and wanton execution of six Israeli hostages, we feel grief and anger and utter exasperation. But, we should not be surprised. The people who run and support Hamas are not good people. They are not merely people with different opinions. They are people who hate Israel and Jews more than they love their own Palestinian brothers and sisters. Filled with hate, they look for ways to torment and torture everyone in their orbit. 

One more consideration: the long-term hopes of the Palestinian/Iranian/Muslim coalition. Their hopes and plans have been, for the last year, well-voiced by the international public relations campaign launched in tandem with the October 7th attacks. There were no pleas for better relations with Gaza. There were no proposals for improving the economy or social fabric of Gaza or the West Bank. Instead, the persistent messaging has been existential:
“Israel has no right to exist.
Zionism is
settler-colonialism—and is illegal and should be destroyed.
From the River (Jordan) to the Sea (Mediterranean), the land will be 
Jews everywhere are the enemy of Islam.”
Ubiquitous messages like these give me pause: are there any partners for peace? 

When listening to dreamers and politicians and other hopeful types, I always try to distinguish between serious plans and idyllic aspirations. Are calls for a Two State Solution serious policy proposals, or are they just rhetorical flourishes— perhaps rhetorical signals that the speaker hopes for a better world. Is the Two State Solution a reasonable and practical possibility, or is it a just a nice dream that nice people have on their utopian list? I share the dream. I agree with the aspiration. But, I know that, until there are real partners for peace, we are stuck in a fight for survival. Let us pray to God for strength and fortitude.
“Adonai oz l’amo yiten; Adonai y’varech et amo vashalom.
The Lord gives strength to our people; the Lord will bless our people with peace
.” (Psalm 29)


The Greatness (?) of Leaders

September 5th: Shoftim
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

King Solomon, I am afraid to say, was a bit of a problem. Yes, he shored up the united monarchy after this father David’s death. He built the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem—a magnificent facility that was famous the world over. He wrote the Books of Proverb and Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs. He was known as the wisest of men. 

And, yet, his regime was not without foible or criticism. First, his building program included not only the holy Temple, but also a more ostentatious palace for himself—and he conscripted labor from the Israelites to build it. (Some speculate that the ancient story of slavery in Egypt—a story that has no historical proof—was concocted to object to the corvee labor that Solomon required of thousands and thousands of Israelites. The theory—and it is only a theory—suggests that the southern area of the Negev, around Timna, was a place of mining and hard labor, and, being “Egypt adjacent,” it is the basis of the story of Egyptian bondage.)  

Second, the lavishness of Solomon’s lifestyle—paid for by taxes levied on everyone in the kingdom—led to criticism and dissatisfaction. His palace was extravagant. Taking care of his 300 wives and 700 concubines in style was expensive. And, he had a thing for horses: according to the Bible, he had 12,000 horses, and archeological evidence has revealed stables from his reign that could accommodate hundreds of horses at his palace in Megiddo. This all seemed to be a part of a very high international profile, but the expenses involved put a real burden on the people. While there was murmuring during his lifetime, it reached its apex after he died. One of his officials, Jeroboam, wrested the Northern Ten Tribes from Solomon’s heir Rehoboam and established an independent kingdom. Thus were there two “Jewish” kingdoms, Judah in the South and Israel in the North. 

Third, and this is perhaps the most troublesome theologically, Solomon’s foreign policy involved pagan worship in Jerusalem. Dignitaries expected to be able to worship their gods when they came to the very cosmopolitan Jerusalem. And, many of those wives and concubines—married as part of political alliances—were allowed to set up temples for their gods and bring in both idols and their priests. Though Solomon’s power was great, this affront to Israelite monotheism did not go without notice, and zealots for the Israelite religion were outraged. 

Solomon died around 927 BCE, and the book we are now reading, Deuteronomy, was apparently authored/edited three centuries later—around 620 BCE, during the reign of King Josiah. It was a time of religious revolution—or, as they saw it, religious purification, and many long-standing and problematic traditions were eliminated. Among these were the various foreign/pagan temples still present in Jerusalem. And, when these purgers of ungodly outrages explained their religious purifications in the book authored as though Moses himself had written it, they included a warning about “out of control” kings. Here is what we read this week in Par’shat Shoftim:
“If, after you have entered the land that the Lord your God has assigned to you, and taken possession of it and settled in it, you decide, ‘I will set a king over me, as do all the nations about me,’ you shall be free to set a king over yourself, one chosen by the Lord your God. Be sure to set as king over yourself one of your own people; you must not set a foreigner over you, one who is not your kinsman. Moreover, he shall not keep many horses, or send people back to Egypt to add to his horses, since the Lord has warned you, ‘You must not go back that way again.’ And he shall not have many wives, lest his heart go astray; nor shall he amass silver and gold to excess.” (Deuteronomy 17.14-17) 

That is what a king should not do, but the Torah also includes what a king should do:
“When he is seated on his royal throne, he shall have a copy of this Teaching / Mishnah Torah written for him by the Levitical priests. Let it remain with him and let him read in it all his life, so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God, to observe faithfully every word of this Teaching/Torah as well as these laws. Thus he will not act haughtily toward his fellows or deviate from the Instruction /  hamitzvah to the right or to the left, to the end that he and his descendants may reign long in the midst of Israel.”  (Deuteronomy 17.18-20) 

Given his other ample credits, I believe that it is unfair to say that Solomon was not a godly man. He was a great man, but, like all great humans, he was not perfect. And, in the course of wielding power, he seemed to “deviate to the right or to left.”  How are nations to be led and greatness achieved? How is the “game of nations” to be played? And, how can this be done with morality and piety?  

Earlier in the parsha we read about the serious work of appointing leaders:
“You shall appoint magistrates and officials for your tribes, in all the settlements that the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due justice. You shall not judge unfairly: you shall show no partiality; you shall not take bribes, for bribes blind the eyes of the discerning and upset the plea of the just. Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” (Deuteronomy 16.18-20) 

Choosing the right leader is no easy task. There are lots of problems and lots of ideas about how to solve them. There are also lots of loud voices trying to persuade us. Amidst this cacophony, we need to remember the importance of honesty and principle. We also need to remember that the people are important and worthy of respect: both the people making the decisions in our democracy and the people who will be affected by the solutions and policies. Remember, “The people shall be governed with true justice…Justice, justice shall you pursue.”

The Place Where God's Name Dwells

August 30th: Re’eh
Rabbi David E. Ostrich 

Though Jerusalem was the capital of ancient Israel—both politically with King David and his descendants and religiously with the Temple of the Lord, it is not mentioned in the Torah. In the Torah, there is only a vague mention of a “place where the Lord shall make the Holy Name dwell,” but the specific location is not mentioned. Even if God had Jerusalem in mind as the eventual and permanent place of holiness, it took our ancient ancestors a number of centuries to get around to the Mount Zion and the Temple Mount and the City we have considered holy for some three thousand years. 

When the Israelites enter the Promised Land (around 1200 BCE), they continue with the Mishkan, the portable “tent temple” described in Exodus and which they carried with them during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The Mishkan stayed in various locations for a number of years—the most famous of them being Shiloh., but, with the reign of King David and the establishment of Jerusalem as his capital, the Ark and Mishkan were moved to Jerusalem where David’s son Solomon eventually built the Temple—sometime in the 900’s BCE. 

From here on out, this was the place of God’s holiness and the fulfillment of the mitzvah we read in this week’s Torah portion: “After you traverse the Jordan and dwell in the land which the Lord your God gives you to inherit, and when God gives you rest from all your enemies round about, so that you dwell in safety; then there shall be a place which the Lord your God shall choose to cause the Holy Name to dwell; there shall you bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the offering of your hand, and all your choice vows which you vow to the Lord: and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God, you, your sons and your daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levite who is within your gate…” (Deuteronomy 12.10-12) 

Jerusalem has remained our religious capital ever since. When the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the people of Judah yearned to return (see Psalms 137 and 126) and then rebuilt the Temple when the Persians allowed them to reestablish Judah and Jerusalem. Then, when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE, the yearning reignited AND the resulting post-Temple prayer worship continued to focus on Jerusalem. In constant mentions and even in physical attitude—directing our prayers to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, and the Holy Temple—“the place where the Lord chose to make the Divine Name dwell”—have been the closest place to heaven on earth, the place which offers the best access to God. 

For centuries, Jews would make pilgrimage to the remnants of the ancient Temple, getting as close as they could be by praying at the Western Wall, the remnants of the retailing wall that surrounded the Temple Mount and made a mountain into a plaza for the Holy Temple. Then, after the 1967 Six Day War, when Israel captured the Old City, the Western Wall/Kotel Hama’ariv became a place of celebration and a place where more and more Jews could come close to the ancient holiness. 

It was by a quirk of bureaucratic fate that the Western Wall came under the control of the Ministry of the Interior—which controls synagogues—and not the Ministry of Antiquities. Classified as a synagogue instead of an archeological site, the area became the province of the Orthodox rabbinate—and thus the many conflicts began: men’s and women’s sections, no organized services or Torah readings on the women’s side, no non-Orthodox religious services, hassles about archeological excavations at the site, etc. 

Back in 1996, I was part of a Reform Rabbi’s Mission to Israel, one where, among other things, we met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to get him to give Reform Judaism more funding and respect. We also had a worship service in the Kotel Plaza—the large and mixed plaza just outside of the segregated men’s and women’s sections. We were “at” the Kotel, just a few dozen meters farther. We were some forty Reform Rabbis, men and women, and we began to pray. There were some ultra-Orthodox protesters who tried screaming and falling to the ground to get the attention of some Israeli news cameras. We were told that ours was the first “mixed” service at the Kotel. The protesters were unable to break up the service because the government has also provided several armed soldiers who guarded us as we prayed. 

I remember one of the colleagues, a young female rabbi, expressing her comfort at the fact that we were being guarded and could continue our prayers. My reaction was different. I felt very distracted and very unconnected, and I wondered why this ancient wall was so important. It is not as though we Jews have not achieved an incredible spiritual tradition while living and praying in other places. Were we to think that our prayers, some thirty meters from the Kotel, were somehow holier than the prayers uttered by Jews in Babylonia or Cairo or Warsaw or in Mayence? Were we to think that prayers in this place were somehow closer to the omnipresent God Whose dominion is in the whole universe?  

There is nonetheless something special about the Kotel, and I visit it and pray every time I’m in Jerusalem. I yearn for the special closeness to God that Tradition ascribes to the holy precinct, but I also realize that the notion of God only being present in one place is not as true as some of our ancient ancestors believed. As Judah Halevi prayerfully wrote: 

“O Lord, where shall I find Thee, hid is Thy lofty place?
And where shall I not find Thee, Whose glory fills all space?
ho formed the world, abideth within man’s soul alway;
Refuge to them that seek Thee, ransom for them that stray. 

O, how can mortals praise Thee, when angels strive in vain?
O build for Thee a dwelling, Whom worlds cannot contain?
Longing to draw near Thee, with all my heart I pray,
Then going forth to seek Thee, Thou meetest me on the way. 

I find thee in the marvels of Thy creative might,
In visions in Thy Temple, in dreams that bless the night.
Who saith he hath not seen Thee? The heavens refute his word.
Their hosts declare Thy glory, though never voice be heard.”                                        


Bendigamos al Altisimo

August 23rd: Ekev
Rabbi David E. Ostrich
This is the week where we get our curious Jewish custom of saying a blessing after our meals. Many cultures give thanks before eating—and we do too, but our Tradition has taken Deuteronomy 8.10 and constructed a mitzvah to give thanks after we eat. “When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to the Lord your God for the good land which has been given to you.”

In addition to the simple notion of giving thanks for an experience both nutritional and enjoyable, the mitzvah should be seen in the context of many blessings. “The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land with streams and springs and fountains issuing from plain and hill; a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey; a land where you may eat food without stint, where you will lack nothing; a land whose rocks are iron and from whose hills you can mine copper. When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to the Lord your God for the good land which has been given to you.” (Deuteronomy 8.7-10) 

Jewish Tradition has acted upon this mitzvah in many ways, with Birkat Hamazon / the Grace After Meals taking a number of different forms. Among them is a Sephardic version in Ladino known by its first word, Bendigamos.  

Bendigamos al Altisimo al senor que nos crio,
Demosle agradecimiento, por los bienes que nos dio.
Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, porque siempre nos apiado.
Load al Senor que es bueno, que para siempre su merced.

(Let us bless the Most High, the Lord who created us,
Let us give him thanks, for the good things he has given us.
Praised be his Holy Name, for he has always taken pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.) 

Bendigamos al Altisimo, por su Ley primeramente,
Que liga a nuestra raza, con el cielo continuamente,
Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, porque siempre nos apiado.
Load al Senor que es bueno, que para siempre su merced.

(Let us bless the Most High, first, for his Law,
Which connects our race/home, with heaven, continuously.
Praised be his Holy Name, for he has always taken pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.) 

Bendigamos al Altisimo, por el pan segundamente,
Y todos los manjares, que comimos juntamente.
Pues comimos y bebimos alegremente, su merced nunca nos falto,
Load al Senor que ese bueno, que para siempre su merced.

 (Let us bless the Most High, second, for the bread
And also for these foods which we have eaten together.
For we have eaten and drunk happily, His mercy has never failed us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.) 

Bendita sea la casa esta, el hogar de su presencia,
Donde guardamos su fiesta, conalegira y permanencia.
Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, porque siempre nos apiado.
Load al Senor que es bueno, que para siempre su merced.

(Blessed be this house/tabernacle, the home of His presence,
Where we keep his feast, with happiness and steadfastness.
Praised be his Holy Name, for he has always taken pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.)

Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki le’olam chasdo.
Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki le’olam chasdo.

(Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting.)


While most of us think of praying in both Hebrew and English, others in our Tradition have used their daily languages along with Hebrew—linking both past and present in their spiritual offerings. From Aramaic and Greek in the ancient days, to English, French, German, and Italian of today—and Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Farsi, and Judeo-Arabic, Jewish prayer has been communicated in many languages and with those languages’ particular energies.   

When we thank God, it is also important to be thankful for the whole process in which we humans are able to participate. Though we say—at the beginning of a meal—that God “motzi lechem min ha’aretz / brings forth bread from the earth,” the fact is that many people take part in the miracle of nutrition and aesthetic delight that bread represents. We are all part of the Shefa, the flow of blessings that comes from God through us.  

It is in this spirit that our congregation gives thanks to those who have been channels of Divine Blessing in our midst. Each year, we formalize our thanks and appreciation in the presentation of Brit Shalom’s Helping Hands Award. This Friday, at our Shabbat evening service, we shall be awarding this posthumously to Barry Ruback , our past president and friend. Barry led a rich and productive life, and in what turned out to be his final years gifted our congregation with energy, wisdom, and vision. Much of our current congregational prosperity and vitality is a direct result of Barry’s ideas and work. So, please join us as we give the Helping Hands Award to Jasmin and Miriam who will be accepting it on behalf of Barry—for his participation in bringing the blessings of heaven to this holy part of the earth.

Searching for Clarity and Understanding

July 12th: Chukat
Rabbi David E.  Ostrich

This is the week that Moses loses it. He and Aaron lose their sister Miriam (Numbers 20.1ff). and then he loses his temper, composure, and future in the Promised Land. The Israelites are typically obnoxious—criticizing him for a water shortage, but God is typically responsive with a miraculous plan to provide all the water they need. Moses is instructed to go to a rock and speak to it, “Order the rock to yield its water,” but Moses’ composure and patience are at their end. “Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation in front of the rock, and he said to them: ‘Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?’ And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod.” What may seem like an understandable and unusual outburst is too much for the Lord Who has higher standards. “Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity in the sight of the Israelite people, therefore you shall not lead this congregation unto the land that I have given them.” 

Sometimes, the pressures of the world can be too much, and we can lose our bearings. Such a time is now for Jews around the world. The unrelenting pressure of misinformation and hostility is taking a toll on most of us. We do not want to “lose it” as did Moses, but we need the relief of clarity and truth. Clarity will not solve all of Israel’s or Jewry’s problems, but it can help us remember than we are neither immoral nor crazy. The Israeli-Arab conflict needs to be discussed with understanding and compassion and fairness, but too often this is not the case.  

So we comb the internet and news sources, taking each anti-Israel punch and nonetheless searching for something not hateful, not anti-Semitic, not a repetition of Hamas propaganda—something that clearly discusses the conflict in which our Zionist dream is continually mired. When we find such an essay or interview or news report, we bookmark it and distribute it to our friends and relatives—and former friends. Such pieces are like life rafts in a sea of infuriating and overwhelming bad thinking. 

It is in such a spirit that a friend sent me this piece from the Wall Street Journal. It is by Elliot Kaufman, a staff writer and letters editor. Written from Jerusalem, it covers a lot of ground, but it is full of compassion and wisdom and good thinking. This essay helped me with my moral composure and equanimity. I hope it can be helpful to you.  

“We pray that one day there will be peace,” says Nina Tokayer, half of the Israeli musical duo Yonina, after a candle is extinguished to bring the Sabbath to a close. “Sometimes that means eliminating our enemies, who hate peace and want to destroy us. For some reason, a lot of people around the world don’t understand that.” 

Israelis don’t understand what the world doesn’t understand about Oct. 7. Hamas is the Palestinian majority party, and Oct. 7 was its apotheosis. It will try it again if Israel quits Gaza too early, and it will do worse if Israel surrenders the West Bank. Yet the world demands both, leaving Israelis to conclude that the world has little problem subjecting them to more massacres. Israelis feel as if a mandatory form of amnesia is being imposed on them: Thou shalt not remember what actual Palestinian nationalism looks like. 

The struggle for memory has strategic significance. Micah Goodman, a leading intellectual of the Israeli center, says the first lesson of Oct. 7 is: “When we leave territory, we’re not protected from that territory.” This has become a national consensus. 

“We had Oct. 7 before—in 1929,” Mr. Goodman says. Then, Arab mobs massacred more than 100 Jews across Hebron, Safed, Jerusalem and Jaffa and left more than 300 wounded. “Jews were attacked in the streets, in their homes, with all the terrible atrocities that we saw on Oct. 7. This was before the nakba of 1948, before the occupation of 1967.” 

I thought of the struggle for memory on a visit to an Israeli military base, home to an elite combat unit whose members’ full identities are kept secret. “The world doesn’t understand the pain,” says Maxim, a young soldier, “and I don’t think it cares.” He allows that people may have forgotten Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack. Roi, his comrade, doesn’t buy it: “They know what happened, but they don’t give a s—. Or they support it and call it ‘resistance.’” Asaf, a 21-year-old fighter, says, “The Arabs win because they are patient. We can defeat Hamas, but if we leave, they’ll rebuild it all and in 10 years they will attack again.” In his view, as one soldier, “the only way we win is if we take the land.” 

He shouldn’t say that. What could be more repulsive to foreign ears than an Israeli reoccupation of Gaza? Much less repulsive to the world is Asaf’s other scenario: Hamas keeps Gaza and plots the next Oct. 7. 

In the border kibbutz of Kfar Aza, Chen Kotler works to prevent Oct. 7 from being forgotten. She tells of terrorists on her roof and in her sister’s house. “Along this pavement, eight people were murdered,” she says at one spot. Hamas still holds hostage five of her neighbors: Gali and Ziv Berman, Emily Damari, Doron Steinbrecher and Keith Siegel, a 65-year-old U.S. citizen. Buildings have been wrecked, and the community will have to fight to survive. 

But aren’t more people dying in Gaza? The media is happy to obscure the relevant distinctions. Activists promoted the “genocide” lie even before the war. Eylon Levy, until recently Israel’s government spokesman, explains, “The slanders of Israel today are preparing the response to the next Oct. 7: ‘The Jews had it coming.’” 

Perhaps Israel can’t satisfy the Western gaze. A sign on one destroyed home in Kfar Aza reads: “Aviad Edri was brutally murdered in this house.” But the West wants to see the body left out on the ground. Israelis won’t—and shouldn’t—cooperate. Some of Ms. Kotler’s surviving neighbors even oppose the tours and don’t allow photos. “This will soon be history,” she says. “The tractors will come to repair. So, you’ll have to carry it for your whole life.” 

The world is unwilling to bear the weight for long. While President Biden made clear after Oct. 7 that Hamas must not remain in power, by February he wasn’t so sure. He called Israel’s counterattack “over the top.” At a Holocaust remembrance event in May, he urged the world to “never forget” Oct. 7 while withholding arms from Israel to prevent an attack on Hamas’s stronghold. 

Thomas Friedman now writes what is implicit in Biden policy: It’s OK to leave Hamas in power. Maybe there will be a power-sharing agreement. Maybe the people of Gaza will restrain Hamas. Or maybe the West has learned nothing from Oct. 7. 

There’s a story the West tells itself: After the massacre, Israel had the world’s sympathy and support. But Israel went too far, and the world turned against it. Right-thinking Westerners like this story because right-thinking Westerners are its stars. They are moved by the plight of Kfar Aza and the Nova festivalgoers to denounce Hamas, but not so much that, like those vengeful Israelis, they lose their impartiality and humanitarian instinct. 

The truth is darker. Much, perhaps most, of the world didn’t condemn Oct. 7 or repudiate Hamas. Qatar and Egypt, the mediators, both blamed Israel on Oct. 7. On Oct. 8, China called on Israel to “immediately end the hostilities.” Russia still hosts Hamas delegations. None of Hamas’s patrons have abandoned it or been seriously pressured to do so. The big human-rights groups equivocated on Oct. 7 about “civilians on both sides.” Ever since, they have pretended the war began on Oct. 8, representing the Israeli effort as pure malevolence. The campus left cheered the attack. The United Nations General Assembly still hasn’t condemned it.  

U.S. support for Israel has been essential, but it has strings attached. “If the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive and overwhelming,” Mr. Biden said on Oct. 10. But at every stage of the war, he has worked to slow and scale down Israel’s military response. U.S. generals advised Israel not to invade Gaza, senior Israeli officials say. The Americans insisted that raids from the perimeter would defeat Hamas. 

By January the Biden administration was pressing hard for a Palestinian state, which it described as the only real solution, just as it had thought on Oct. 6. Never mind that polls show two-thirds of Palestinians support the Oct. 7 attack. 

Over hummus in Tel Aviv, the right-wing intellectual Gadi Taub puts it provocatively: “Biden’s plan to end the war is for Netanyahu to fall and Sinwar to stay.” The U.S. president has spent months pushing a deal to end the war, and his deputies insist Israeli troops leave Gaza afterward. Since no one else but Israelis will fight and die to keep Hamas down, Hamas rule would quickly be restored. 

“Oct. 7 killed not only the dream of peace,” says Mr. Levy, the former Israeli spokesman. “It killed the dreamers” of the border kibbutzim. But Mr. Biden and his team, the none-too-quiet Americans, are still dreaming. They call it a peace process, but an Israeli withdrawal that returns Gaza to Hamas is the first step to the next massacre, the next war. 

Eran Massas, an Israeli lieutenant colonel in the reserves, says, “Hamas are not people, they are animals.” In response, the liberal Western instinct is to worry about dehumanization. When Mr. Massas tells of how he rescued civilians on Oct. 7, and how he remains haunted by one woman he found, her green clothing left beside her butchered corpse, the same Western instinct is to look away—anywhere but his eyes.

Korach: Should the Lunatics Run the Asylum?

July 5th: Korach
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

“The lunatics have taken over the asylum.”
With all due respects to the mentally ill and those who care for them, I find the above expression fascinating. According to Wikipedia, it originated in a 1919 remark by Richard A. Rowland about the founding of United Artists—perhaps as an allusion to the 1845 Edgar Allan Poe short story, The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether. 

Whatever its origin, it has been used in a variety of contexts and generally expresses the view that those in charge have no idea what they are doing—that those who should be managed have somehow pushed out those in rightful authority and established themselves as managers. 

In some ways, this is a highly ironic statement—inasmuch as most people in charge will, upon sober reflection, realize they too have no idea what they are doing. We may have training, experience, and insights, but we are all “works in progress” and often find that we must “fly by the seat of our pants.” While phrases like “fake it till you make it” are unsettling, the fact is that most of us recalibrate, reevaluate, and rethink our habitual patterns on a regular basis. Reality has a way of changing in unexpected ways, and we are often left to our best guesses. 

That being said, there are some people whose training, experience, and wisdom give us more confidence in their abilities to be in charge. We would rather put our lives—or HVAC systems or transmissions or government—in their hands. They are the ones we prefer to trust. 

Thus do we arrive at the essential questions of Parshat Korach. Who should be our leader, and who/Who gets to decide? Whether or not Moses is the best leader possible or always makes the right call is at a certain level irrelevant. He is doing a pretty good job, and God seems generally pleased with him.  Whatever problems there may be (and what leader does not encounter difficulties?), are generally beyond his control. The people’s craving for the foods of Egypt, for instance, or their fear of advancing into the Promised Land seem to be out of Moses’ control. So, when Korach challenges Moses and offers himself as a replacement—“You have gone too far! For all the community are holy, all of them, and the Lord is in their midst. Why then do you raise yourselves above the Lord’s congregation?!” (Number 16.3), is it a serious attempt at democracy and improvement, or is it a duplicitous power-grab? Does the system need changing? Should the Israelites get to decide for themselves? Should the “lunatics” be in charge? 

The problem with reading Korach’s story is that we believe in democracy. Despite the relative ignorance with which many voters go to the polls and the less than stellar results many elections elect, we believe in the people’s right to self-government. In fact, when we are offered various theocratic options, most of us recoil. We may believe in God and seek God’s Presence in our lives, but we want to make social and governmental decisions ourselves. 

There is another reason Korach may sound reasonable. Sometimes, the “lunatics”—that is, the people being led, managed, treated, or taught—have valuable insights that those in charge should hear. Health care professionals are taught to listen carefully to what their patients have to say. Teachers are urged to pay attention to the way their students react and process information. Management systems such as W. Edwards Deming’s Total Quality Management insist that those on all levels of the hierarchy be incorporated into decision-making. And, of course, democracies have frequent elections—opportunities for the governed to communicate to those who govern. 

So, when someone demands more democracy, our tendency is to favor their thinking. The problem, however, is that the unscrupulous can manipulate our feelings of fairness to gain authority and then do some very undemocratic things. History is full of such catastrophes.  

And then, there is God. As I mentioned above, most of us resist the idea of theocracy, but not necessarily because of Who is at the top (God!). We worry because those who claim to speak for God may or may not be godly: they may or may not be doing God’s Will on earth. How many times, in Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish history, have we seen those who purport to speak for God pursue profound ungodliness? As wonderful as God’s Presence can be—enlightening, inspiring, and guiding us, it can also be an intoxicant that makes people think that their own thoughts are God’s. As Rabbi Lawrence Kushner counsels, we need to separate our egos from the voice of God. Or, as he imagines the Deity reminding us, “I’m God, and you’re not.” Let us beware Yetzer HaRa / the Evil Inclination taking over. Let us remember that it is God’s influence that should enter our thinking—rather than foisting our selfishness or evil or ignorance onto God. 

There are so many levels to the Korach story. There is the question of democracy: who gets to decide on leadership? There is the question of sincerity and truth: is Korach to be trusted, and is Moses behaving in a trustworthy manner? There is the question of earthly authority: who decides how God’s instructions are to be interpreted and followed? And how do we derive guidance from ancient, time-bound, and culture-bound words? We seek God’s influence and inspiration, but it takes some serious wisdom and understanding. 

According to the Rabbis, a take-over by Korach would be disastrous. Dominated by ego and selfishness, his communication of God’s Will would be slanted to his own power and self-aggrandizement. Moses, on the other hand, is “a very humble man, moreso than any other man on earth.” (Numbers 12.3) He is a clear channel for God’s Will, one unimpeded by human ego. Perhaps this is why God comes down so strongly for Moses and against Korach. “The earth opened its mouth and swallowed up…all Korach’s people and all their possessions. They went down alive into Sheol, with all that belonged to them; the earth closed over them and they vanished from the congregation.” (Numbers 16.31-33) God seems pretty clear on this—which leaves the reader searching for flaws in Korach’s case. God sees through him. Can we learn to see through the rhetoric of those who seek to lead us? 

Perhaps a lesson we can take from this disturbing story is that the lunatics are probably not best suited to run the asylum. That being said, they may not be completely without wisdom, and those in authority should consider what the patients, students, employees, and citizens have to say. Wisdom can come from many places, and humility and open-mindedness are hallmarks of good leadership. 

“A Lick and a Promise”

June 14th: Shavuot and the Ten Commandments
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

When I was a child, my mother would occasionally use the expression, “a lick and a promise.” It was in reference to a dirty child (me!) when time did not allow a proper bath. She would get a wet washcloth and run it over my face and neck—and that was all we had time for. The promise was the bath I would certainly get later. 

What do you do when the proper or full treatment is not possible? What is the minimum requirement?  

This question comes up in Halachah in regard to Birkat Hamazon, the long blessing after a meal. When a child is too young to learn the whole thing—or when an adult eater is in a big rush, what is the minimum necessary to properly thank God for the food? The answer, according to the Talmud (Berachot 40b), is: .בְּרִיךְ רַחֲמָנָא מַלְכָּא דְעָלְמָא מָרֵי דְהַאִי פִּתָה.
“B’rich Rachama, Malkah d’alma, Maray d’hai pita”—
which is Aramaic for “Blessed is the Compassionate One, Ruler of the World, Who owns this bread.” A proper appreciation to God is much longer, but this minimal version will at least fulfill the basic requirement to “eat, find satisfaction, and thank the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 8.10). 

There is, in us, a kind of reductionist tendency. Well aware of the complexities of the world, sometimes we just want “the basics.” This dynamic is certainly at play in the famous story of the Convert who approaches both Shammai and Hillel with an extremely reductionist request: “I will convert if you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.” Shammai regards the question as absurd and insulting. Torah is something one learns over an entire lifetime. This guy is obviously not serious about Judaism, so “Shammai pushed him away with the builder’s cubit in his hand.” Hillel, on the other hand, ignores the insult and figures out a way to hook the prospective convert and get him into Judaism. “Hillel converted him and said, ‘What is hateful to you do not do to another; that is the entire Torah; the rest is commentary. Now go and study!’” (Talmud Shabbat 31a) Clearly, Hillel’s answer is almost as absurd as the question, and yet his summary is both instructive and inspiring. Sometimes, it is nice to boil things down to an essential truth or two. 

The problem—as both Hillel and Shammai certainly knew—is that sometimes our reductionist tendencies can be too much so and cheat us of the wide swath of our greater knowledge or culture. It is hard to overstate, for example, the importance of the Ten Commandments—the revelation of which we celebrate on Shavuot. But there is a lot more to Judaism than just those ten. In fact, Tradition is a little hazy—or expansive—about the encounter at Mount Sinai and calls it much more than just the Ten Commandments. It is called Matan Torah, the Giving of the entire Torah. While the Ten Commandments are certainly of extreme value, they are only the beginning and perhaps most dramatic of the 613 Commandments which Tradition insists that God gave us. 

Admittedly, many of those 613 involve obsolete and unobserved rituals from the days of the Temple. And many of them are only applicable if we live in the Land of Israel. And many of them involve sexist or other archaic attitudes that we no longer agree are holy or what God really wants. However, there is a lot more than ten things that God enjoins us to do. For instance, there are those gems of morality from Leviticus 19:
“You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy.
When you harvest the produce of your field or vineyard, leave some for the poor!
The wages of a laborer shall not remain with you until morning.
You shall not insult the deaf, or put a stumbling block before the blind.
When judging, do not favor the poor or show deference to the rich. Judge people fairly!
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

And let us not forget all the injunctions in Exodus about “telling your child about the Exodus from Egypt,” so that we can properly appreciate our freedom.

And there is the elevating challenge of Deuteronomy: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,  and with all your might.” 

As with most reductions or summaries, the Ten Commandments come to us on two levels. First, they are the main instructions that God gives us—and the glory and drama of the presentation reverberates still in the Jewish heart.
“I am the Lord your God Who brought you up from the Land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; you shall have no other gods beside Me.
You shall make no idols or images and worship them.
You shall not take the Name of the Lord Your God in vain.
You shall remember and observe the Sabbath Day.
You shall honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.”
(Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5) 

Second, however, they are symbolic of the greater wisdom and tradition—the communal holiness—that they begin/began. The story of the Revelation at Mount Sinai represents the possibility of an interface between Infinity and mortality. Though very limited creatures, we have the ability to channel the values and aspirations of God into the world. We have this power, and the Ten Commandments symbolize all the ways that God can be present in our lives—and that we can manifest God in the world. 

 .נִהְיֶה אֲנַֽחְנוּ יָדֶיךָ בָּעוֹלָם לְהָבִיא בְּרָכוֹת־הַשָּׁמַֽיִם לְכָל־הָאָרֶץ
Nihiyeh anachnu Yadecha ba’olam, l’havi b’rachot-hashamayim lechol-ha’aretz.
May we be Your Hands in the world, bringing the blessings of Heaven to all the earth.








Wisdom Dawning: From "Bemidbar" to Pride Week

June 7th: Bemidbar
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

The numbers part of the Book of Numbers—an ancient census—is fairly brief, while most of the book deals with our forty plus years wandering Bemidbar, in the desert. These stories are much less dramatic that Yetzi’at Mitzrayim/The Exodus from Egypt and Matan Torah/The Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and yet they are in many ways more important. Whatever our incredible experiences with the Lord, and whatever lofty goals God instructs us to follow, Numbers is where we learn to live in holy community. We move from the idealized vision to the practical reality, and, as Shakespeare wrote, “There’s the rub.” 

Among the challenges of living in community is the problem of other people’s differences. There are all kinds of human divergences and peculiarities, and much of our social cohesiveness or dissension depends on how we negotiate or adjudicate these differences. Are the differences just interesting, or are they disturbing? Do they involve dangerous behavior or just idiosyncrasy? Do they threaten the common good or are they just part of the variations of human experience? 

There is also the question of power and authority. Are these differences relevant in re rights and responsibilities: are some differences legitimate impediments to full citizenship and participation? 

When we moderns look at some of the opinions of our ancient forebears, we find ourselves in positions of serious disagreement. We believe that society should treat men and women as equals. We believe that different religions should be allowed freedom and that their believers should be allowed full access and participation in society. We believe that children are not property—that they have inherent rights and that our authority over them should be limited and gradually wane. As Khalil Gibran wrote, children “come through you but not from you…they are with you yet they belong not to you.” In fact, in a comment of mystical profundity, he explains that children—and therefore all of us—are “the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.” One way of looking at diversity is that it is Creation’s extraordinary adventure—a Divine yearning for manifestation in an amazing array of creativity and beauty. 

Our problem—in learning to live communally—is coming to grips with the fact that humans are not all the same. How do we as a society deal with human diversity? 

I say, “we as a society” because society has often felt compelled to take on responsibility for the common good—both defining propriety and enforcing it. While our libertarian inclinations may urge us to “live and let live,” ancient religious texts show a real concern for the danger individual decisions can bring to the entire community. Whether or not we believe that God in Heaven threatens Israel with group punishment for the idolatry or dishonesty or immorality of individual Israelites, the texts clearly represent both this fear and the concomitant need to regulate individual behavior. Our ancestors believed that, if a community “allows” some behaviors, then the community courts disaster. 

Though many of us today are less concerned about God visiting punishments if we “allow”  a variety of sexual and gender expressions, we might be much more receptive to the kind of Prophetic rants that threaten Heaven’s wrath on a society that allows economic or racial injustice—that “crushes My people and grinds the face of the poor.” (Isaiah 3.15) The principle, with which we might not disagree, is that leadership is charged with determining and managing communal standards—because deviation from these standards can bring calamity upon everyone. 

The challenge over these many centuries has been to ascertain which behaviors or characteristics are problems and which are mere differences—examples of the incredible diversity of creation. While we can disagree with our ancestors’ thinking about which differences are dangerous, I hope that we can understand their fears. I also hope that we can appreciate the great enlightenment that has been dawning for the last few centuries. The strides in the acceptance and embrace of LGTBQ+ individuals have been part of a process in which all kinds of formerly oppressed or marginalized human beings have been gradually accorded full human status: Protestants, Catholics, “Mohammedans,” Jews, women, formerly enslaved Africans, people with disabilities, etc.  

The notion of one group of humans “accepting” other human beings into full social membership sounds incredibly haughty. Who are these “accepters” to think that they have such power? And yet, they do. As society has developed over thousands of years, some people have power, and others hope for consideration or inclusion. Visionaries like George Washington—whose own vision was both profound and limited—sensed the absurdity of their gate-keeping authority—"It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights,” but they possessed and exercised this power nonetheless. Though natural rights should be natural and automatic, the fact is that it has taken us many, many years to open our eyes and see the full humanity of some of our fellow creatures. 

For many of us, living without full accord has been like wandering Bemidbar, in the desert or wilderness. Or, as one group of Jewish lesbians expressed it, they felt like a crust of stale bread on a Seder Plate—not belonging there. How blessed that light has dawned and that our LGBTQ+ friends and neighbors can be welcomed and embraced for the children of God they are. As our congregation and community celebrate Pride Week, let us remember the fears of our ancient past and appreciate the wisdom that has finally dawned—and how we are learning to distinguish between legitimate threats and the beauty of human diversity.  

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, מַתִּיר אֲסוּרִים

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Ruler of All, for freeing the captive.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, זוֹקֵף כְּפוּפִים:

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Ruler of All, for lifting up those who have been

kept down.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, שֶׁעָשַׂנּוּ כֻּלָּנוּ בְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים:

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Ruler of All, for creating us all in the Divine Image.

Mikveh Yisrael: Our Hope in This New Land

May 31st: Bechukotai
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

A few weeks ago, when Mayor (and member) Ezra Nanes declared Jewish American Heritage Month, I was asked to accept the proclamation and make a statement to the Borough Council. I chose to quote one of the most famous statements in American Jewish History, the letter from President George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island. Upon his election in 1790, the Jews of Newport wrote to congratulate him, and he responded:
“The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.” 
It is a wonderful and embracing statement, but the fact that he had to say it reminds us that the acceptance of Jews in this land has not always been a foregone conclusion. 

Actually, all six of the Jewish communities in the new United States (in New York, Newport, Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, and Richmond) wrote letters to Washington—perhaps to curry favor with the new ruler, and each received a similar reply. There have been for us times of great acceptance, opportunity, and good fortune, and there have been times when our people’s safety and status have been under threat. Though we live in the land of freedom, we and others have not always enjoyed the “domestic Tranquility” and “Blessings of Liberty” that our Constitution seeks. 

When Jews first arrived on these shores, their feelings were probably a combination of hope and desperation, and this hope in a context of anxiety can be seen in the names they gave their congregation. Three of the earliest congregations are named Mikveh Yisrael / O Hope of Israel, words that come from this week’s Haftarah portion. The Prophet Jeremiah (17.12-13) is exhorting our ancestors to trust in the blessings of the Lord: “O Throne of Glory, exalted from of old, Our Sacred Shrine! Mikveh Yisrael/O Hope of Israel! O Lord!” 

These three Mikveh Israel’s are in Curacao, an island off Venezuela (founded 1674), Savannah, Georgia (founded 1733), and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (founded 1740). I do not know about the state of mind of these early Jews in Curacao and Philadelphia, but I served at Mickve Israel in Savannah and had the chance to learn about their less-than-enthusiastic reception. In 1733, General James Edward Oglethorpe received a charter from King George II to establish a colony that would be a frontier barrier to Spanish encroachment from their colony, La Florida. Backed by officers and men conditionally released from debtors’ prison, Oglethorpe set out to establish a utopia. His plan was to ban certain problems, among them slavery, lawyers, and Jews. However, six months after he landed, a boatload of Jews from England arrived and sought residency. Oglethorpe was adamantly opposed to their presence, but he was occupied with a crisis. A swamp fever was decimating his colony, and the only doctor had died from the illness. When he found out that one of the Jews was a physician, a Dr. Samuel Nunes, Oglethorpe said that he could disembark. Nunes countered that he would only help out if all the Jews on board would be allowed admission. The General relented, and the Jewish settlers named their congregation for the tenuous hope they felt at the possibilities in the new land. For many, the hopes were fulfilled, but for others danger lurked just down the coast. Though the original group had both Ashkenazim and Sephardim, the Sephardim departed after a few years. One theory is that they feared the encroaching Spanish (and Inquisition!) from La Florida. Again, safety in America was not always a foregone conclusion. 

The first Jewish residents of New York—then New Amsterdam—also had a less than open-armed reception. Though the group that arrived in 1654 was originally European Sephardic, their voyage to New Amsterdam was from Recife, Brazil. Originally a Portuguese colony—where the Inquisition made it very dangerous for Jews, Recife had been conquered by the Netherlands in 1630 and was run by the Dutch West India Company. Given that Holland and the Company were very friendly to Jews, a group of Jews from Amsterdam settled there. However, in 1654, the Portuguese recaptured Recife, and the Jews knew better than to wait for the Inquisition. Seeking another Dutch colony, they sailed for New Amsterdam. However, the governor of the colony, Peter Stuyvesant, was anti-Semitic and did not want the Jews. After entreaties to the Dutch West India Company in Amsterdam—and its many Jewish investors, Stuyvesant received firm directives to allow the Jews to settle, and they did. Still, he would not let them stand guard on duty on the Wall (the future Wall Street) because he did not consider them trustworthy.  

Twice exiled (from Iberia in the 1400s and Recife in 1654), these Jews felt like a very small remnant of Judaism’s former glory, and they named their congregation Shearith Yisrael, a remnant of Israel, as a reflection of their tenuous situation. They prayed that they would survive and keep Judaism alive in this very far off place. 

The founders of the second oldest Jewish congregation in the United States were perhaps a bit more hopeful. When the first Jews of Newport, Rhode Island established their synagogue—now known as the Touro Synagogue, they named it Yeshu’at Yisrael, the Salvation of Israel. It was 1658, and this outpost of Jewishness was at the edge of the world. Hopefully, this place would bring us good things. 

In large measure, our hope in this new land has been rewarded. Our faith and institutions are strong. Our people have been free to work hard and aspire to the American Dream. And we have been a constructive part of the American process, contributing in every possible way to America’s building and improvement. We are part of the American fabric, and yet still we wonder and worry. There is much to treasure, and there is much to protect. 

Hopefully, we too can find inspiration in God’s Presence—Mikveh Yisrael—and keep alive the religious spirit that filled our ancestors. God can be with us—if we only open our hearts and minds and allow the proximity of God. As Jeremiah also says (in this week’s Haftarah), “Blessed is one who trusts in the Lord, whose trust and faith is in God. It is like a tree planted by waters, sending forth its roots by a stream; It does not sense the coming of heat, its leaves are ever fresh; it has no care in a year of drought, It does not cease

Tapping the Mind of God

May 24th: Behar
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

In 1751, Isaac Norris, the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, chose an inscription for the State House Bell—now known as The Liberty Bell. It was a verse from this week’s Torah portion: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25.10). We do not know why he chose this verse—though some think it was in honor of William Penn’s 1701 Charter of Privileges which granted religious liberties and political self-government. However what strikes me is his interpretative effort to craft a majestically inspiring phrase from a verse that has nothing to do with religion or politics. It is a wonderful inscription, but it is not at all what the Torah’s author meant. 

The Hebrew phrase refers to real estate. Though the King James’ translation used by Norris is has those overtones that make it perfect for The Liberty Bell, the actual phrase, “U’kra’tem d’ror ba’aretz l’chol-yosh’veha…” is more contextually translated as, “You shall proclaim release throughout the land for all its inhabitants.” (Jewish Publication Society, 1999). Every fifty years, all real estate transactions were to be cancelled, and everyone was to return to his ancestral homestead—the land assigned by Moses (and God!) when the Israelites were entering the Promised Land. 

So, what we have is a marvelous quotation, but one that is taken out of context. Is the sentiment true because it is from the Bible? Or is it true because it is a hopeful goal for our country? One thing for sure, Norris’ use is an example of eisegesis—the imposition of an idea on a Biblical verse that the Biblical author did not intend or anticipate. 

The opposite of eisegesis is exegesis, an interpretation that approaches what the passage is actually addressing.  

One might think that exegesis is the more authentic way to approach the Bible, and there is logic in this view. However, there are some wonderful examples of eisegesis that speak to us of great wisdom. That the messages were not intended by the Biblical author is just historical fact. What may be more important is how these Biblical words inspired later readers to derive wisdom—a wisdom that stands on its own. 

The Liberty Bell inscription is a perfect example. Though taken out of context, this new formulation holds up the holy possibility to which Pennsylvania—and the whole United States—aspires. Our Union is not yet perfect, but such goals statements remind us to keep trying. Let us “proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof!”  

The Bible presents an interesting and challenging chorus of opinions and experiences. Some we adopt as timeless and essential, while others strike our modern sensibilities as unfair or unrealistic. In other words, in dealing with a text that is both holy and ancient, interpretation is a must—and both exegesis and eisegesis have their place. When we are presented with “Love thy neighbor as thyself” or “With Justice shall you judge My people,” (Leviticus 19.18 and 15), we can affirm them wholeheartedly. However, when we read time-bound or culture-bound anachronisms that enforce gender roles, or dismiss those with some physical disabilities (see Leviticus 21.16ff), or insist that worship requires animal sacrifice, we Liberal Jews feel bound by a higher sensibility to filter out these less-than-godly traditions. Upon what basis do we do so? Upon the principles of fairness, justice, piety, and God’s all-encompassing love that are also in the Bible. As much as we revere the holy text—and the relationship with the Divine it represents, there are times when we need to transcend the text with the wisdom that God gives us through less direct communications. This is where eisegesis and Midrash enter the Jewish equation, offering teachings that can be more Biblical and holy than literally-minded exegesis.  

Another example involves the notion of majority rule. It is in no way Biblical. In the Bible, instructions and laws are given by God, and people are expected to follow orders. Though most of the instructions are given through Nevi’im (Prophets), God chooses them and tells them what to say. Humans are expected to follow God’s rules—even if they disagree with them, and those who disobey suffer the consequences. The Rabbis, however, lived in a “different world,” one in which revelation was no longer operative. And, in the absence of revelatory instructions and clarifications, they determined that majority rule by the Sages is the best course. Since it is not in the Torah, however, they had to rely upon a higher wisdom and “find” such an imprimatur. The passage they chose for eisegesis is Exodus 23.1-2: “You must not carry false rumors; you shall not join hands with the guilty to act as a malicious witness. Neither shall you side with the mighty to do wrong…”  Though the passage does not address actual decision making, the Rabbis took the phrase, “you shall neither side with the mighty to do wrong,” and reconfigured it into, “You shall not incline after the majority to do wrong, but you shall incline after the majority to do good,” thus providing a “proof text” for majority rule. The teaching is expounded in a wonderful story in Talmud Baba Metzia 59b, The Oven of Achnai, in which the majority’s view overcomes even miraculous testimonies. As Rabbi Joshua insists, quoting Deuteronomy 30.12, “It is not in the heavens.” God gave the Torah to humanity, and it is up to us to interpret it.  

One can object that the Exodus passage is taken out of context—or twisted logically, but the wisdom of majority rule stands on its own. And, as the Talmud tells us, even God approves. 

The point of my “praise of eisegesis” is that there is a wisdom that emanates from the Torah and its study, a wisdom that may not be found in the words themselves. Perhaps this is what Rabbi Chananya ben Teradion meant when he said, “When two people sit and words of Torah pass between them, the Presence of God resides upon them.” (Pirke Avot  3.2) Or, as my teacher, Ellis Rivkin used to say, sometimes we are able to “tap the Mind of God.” 

How do we know whether an interpretation is legitimate, wise, and actually from God? Not every interpretation is wise or fair or kind or helpful. We wish there were a foolproof technique, but in lieu of an actual immutable and perfect revelation, we are left with the human search for wisdom—the continuing and developing human quest for enlightenment and holiness. Lots of ideas are floated, and we must decide which ones are good. Perhaps that is why the Rabbis relied on study, majority rule, and persistent reconsideration. Ours is a living tradition and one that needs to be in touch with the Mind of God on a regular basis.

The Rabbis' Search for Personal Holiness

May 17th: Emor
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

We all know that Talmudic (Rabbinic) Judaism is much different from Biblical Judaism. One need only compare the Sacrificial Worship of the Temple to the Prayer Book Worship of the synagogue to get a glimpse of the wealth and breadth of changes. Over the millennia, our religion has undergone a number of developmental innovations, and we are thus heirs to a rich and multi-layered tradition. Inasmuch as we see ourselves as continuing the religious traditions of the Bible, it is worthwhile to reflect on these changes—why and how they were made, and why further changes have been made over the centuries. This week’s Torah portion has some interesting entrées into some of the Rabbis’ innovations.  

First, it is important to realize that the Rabbis began their reformation of Judaism well before the Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Though the biggest historical change is the substitution of sacrifices with prayers, Rabbinic/Talmudic Judaism had already developed some significant enhancements.  

Possibly originating with the Scribes mentioned in the Bible, “The Rabbis” began as a group of scholars who, around 200 BCE, developed some unique approaches to our communal relationship with God.  Calling themselves Perushim (separatists), these scholars sought to break away from the cultural tidal wave of Hellenism that dominated everything in the Eastern Mediterranean—including religion. The English name for these Perushim is Pharisees, and they were organized enough to come to power around 165 BCE.  

If this date sounds familiar, it is: 165 BCE is when the Maccabees drove the Greek Syrians from the Temple and rededicated the Temple—ushering in our festival of Chanukah. The Maccabees—also called the Hasmoneans—replaced the Hellenized Temple Priesthood with a less assimilated set of Kohanim from Judah Maccabee’s priestly clan. As part of their campaign for public support, the Hasmoneans brought in the newly emergent Rabbinic/Pharisaic group to be their legal interpreters. Though the Pharisees were not priests themselves, they were experts in the Torah and could evaluate and instruct the new Kohanim in the sacrificial worship system. They also introduced and encouraged personal prayer and piety for the rest of our people—the ones not actively engaged in the Temple worship on a daily basis. They did not seek to minimize the importance of the Temple. However, regular Jews only made the pilgrimage there three times a year—on Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot, and the Pharisees believed that regular Jewish life would be more holy and more spiritually meaningful if individuals could develop a personal relationship with God.  It was part of their separating from Hellenism and its idolatry, and they patterned some of their changes on the holiness practices of the Kohanim. Again, it was not a matter of usurping the Priestly role ordained in the Torah. Rather, the attempt was to adapt some of the Priestly observances so that individual Jews could feel a more personal connection to God.  

Just as the Kohanim wore special Priestly garments, the Pharisees began to adopt special spiritual garments. Just as the Kohanim ate ritually slaughtered meat at worship, the Pharisees adopted a spiritual food system with ritually slaughtered meat—a system now knows as Kashrut.  Just as the Kohanim officiated at worship services twice daily, the Pharisees developed prayer services twice a day that were prayed simultaneously with the Temple sacrifices—only from far away.  

What we have in this Torah portion are a few of the Priestly customs that were adopted and adapted for non-Priestly holiness. Note the opening of Leviticus 21. “The Lord said to Moses, Speak to the Priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them…” What follows are instructions for the Kohanim (and not for everyone else), among them the prohibition of being near a dead body. Proximity to the dead renders a Priest ritually unclean—a condition that requires special rituals and several days of being off-duty. This was not applied to the non-Kohanim because someone had to be able to attend to the deceased and their resting places. However, in Verse 5, the Kohanim are forbidden from the pagan mourning customs of “shaving smooth any part of their heads or cutting the side-growth of their beards, or making gashes in their flesh.” These prohibitions were part of priestly ritual holiness—and only applicable when a priest was in mourning. However, the Pharisees adopted this prohibition and adapted it as a permanent (all the time, not just while mourning) practice for their followers. Thus do we have the ritual custom of payyot/side curls and beards that are so idiomatic in traditional Judaism.  

In Leviticus 22, the Kohanim are instructed to be scrupulous about the ritual holiness of any meat they consume—and, in Verse 8, they are especially warned against eating “anything that died or was torn by beasts (trefah!), thereby becoming unclean.” When the Rabbis applied these priestly food regulations to regular Jews, we got our prohibition of eating trafe—any meat that is not ritually slaughtered. What had been applicable only to the Priests was now voluntarily adopted by Pharisees seeking their own measure of holy connection. 

Interestingly, not all of the priestly restrictions were adopted. Whereas the Kohanim were prohibited from marrying divorcees (21.7), regular Jews were permitted. And, whereas physical deformities disqualified a Kohen from serving as a Priest (see Leviticus 21.16-23), the Rabbis had no such limitations; such physical disabilities were not an impediment to piety. 

A modern twist involves women’s roles in worship. Though women were not allowed to serve as Kohanim, the wives and daughters of Priests were considered “holy-adjacent” and were able to eat meat from the sacrifices. This is how the Priests fed their families. In recent times, as women have taken their places as full participants and leaders in Judaism, the term for a Priest’s daughter has come back into play. Since the Bat Kohayn was able to eat the consecrated (sacrificed) meat, the custom has developed that women whose fathers are/were Kohanim are given the Kohayn honors in being called to bless the Torah.  

These Pharisaic innovations and adaptations were a gradual and expansive effort that took some 400 years of development before they were recorded in the Mishnah (225 CE). Then the discussions and adaptations continued for another three centuries before they were ultimately recorded in the Talmud. Thus a pattern has been set that continues to this day. Ours is a living tradition of innovation and pious adaptation in which we revere our holy past and work for our holy future.

The Holiness of Categories, Part II

May 10th: Kedoshim
Rabbi David E. Ostrich 

Last week, we considered categories—and how our various classifications can provide guidance and/or guard rails for our behavior. In the case of the Yom Kippur Rituals (Leviticus 16), different people—and animals—have distinct roles in the atonement process. In the case of the Laws of Consanguinity (Leviticus 17), some family relationships make sexual liaisons sinful.  

This theme is found in many places in the Torah and Bible, but this week’s portion, Kedoshim, offers some interesting angles. Some of our classifications have temporal applicability, i.e., obligations that may apply in some times and situations but not in others. Take for example the instructions to judges in Leviticus 19.15: “You shall not render an unfair decision: do not favor the poor or show deference to the rich; judge your kinsman fairly.”  

Most of us can appreciate the moral importance of not favoring rich people in court. Most of us can also appreciate the temptation. Rich people are often powerful, and their favor or disfavor can have beneficial or other-than-beneficial results for us. Better to be on the “right side” of the rich and powerful. On the other hand, justice is supposed to be just, and we hope that even the small, weak, and poor will have a fair chance in court. This all seems morally straightforward. 

The challenging part of this mitzvah comes in the earlier phrase, “do not favor the poor,” because we are also commanded to share our abundance with the poor. All of us—including judges—are  commanded to give Tzedakah. So, if I were a judge hearing a case between a rich person and a poor person, would it not be the perfect opportunity to do a little wealth-leveling? Say, for example, that a rich person and a poor person have a cart accident. I know that the poor person cannot afford to replace his cart and that the rich person has several carts in his barn. I could try to figure out who is at fault, or I could consider the relative wealth of the litigants and help the poor fellow out. Why not let the rich person fund the poor person’s new cart? 

There is a kind of logic to this—one based on Tzedakah and the mitzvah of compassion for the poor. However, the Torah says No. “B’tzedek tish’pot amitecha. With justice shall you judge My people,” and judges are prohibited from favoring the poor. What is the Torah telling us? 

The Torah is drawing a line between two categories occupied by the judge. In his function as a judge, he is prohibited from favoring the poor. However, in his function as a citizen, he has the same responsibilities for charity as any other person. In other words, though the judge has an obligation to help the poor, the courtroom is not the place. In the courtroom, justice and justice alone should rule. After he leaves the courtroom, however, that is when he should dig into his pocket and give Tzedakah. The judge inhabits two categories, and each dictates its own “situational” responsibilities.  

Another angle on categories and their concomitant requirements comes in a series of prohibitions of dishonest behavior. In Verse 11, we read: “You shall not steal; you shall not deal deceitfully or deal falsely with one another.” And in Verse 13, we read: “You shall not defraud your fellow. You shall not commit robbery.” While technically distinct, these five Hebrew words for dishonest dealings—tignov, techachash, teshaker, ta’ashok, and tigzol—all mean about the same thing. They are practical synonyms. Why then all the verbiage and repetition? The concern seems to be the fuzzy way that prevaricators try to justify unjustifiable behavior. “I’m not stealing; I’m just defrauding,” or “I’m not dealing deceitfully; I’m just dealing falsely.” These are all immoral and unethical acts, and the Torah wants to quash any games and meaningless distinctions. Dishonesty is wrong regardless of the specific categorization.  

Another example of categories in Kedoshim comes in the form of a kind of equalization. “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I the Lord am your God.” (Leviticus 19.9-10) Though some are farmers, and others are beggars, all are children of God, and all are to be gifted by God with the produce of the land. When I read this as a child, I always imagined the poor and the strangers waiting until nighttime and then going through the fields—picking up the produce “left for them.” However, the Book of Ruth shows a much more integrative system. In Chapter 2, the gleaners, the poor who are picking up the produce left behind, follow directly behind the harvesters. Though the land is “owned” by the farmer, the real Owner is God, and God’s gift of abundance is to be shared. In this case, there may be a difference in the categories, but all are deserving of God’s blessings. (As it turns out, this is how Boaz and Ruth meet. He sees a stranger gleaning, asks who she is, and, when he finds out that she is the widow of his cousin, he extends her special hospitality.) 

The portion’s most famous verse, Leviticus 19.18, assumes separate categories and then brings them together in a kind of Venn Diagram. “Love your neighbor as yourself” instructs us to move beyond our own category and apply the grace we crave to others. Or, as Hillel rephrases it in Talmud Shabbat 31a, “That which is hateful to you do not do to another.” If we have trouble showing love, we can simply forego behaviors that, were we the victim, would be hurtful. We are separate from others, but our human condition calls us to kindness, fairness, and a sense of camaraderie.  

For an interesting reversal of the energy flow in our sacred Venn Diagram, consider the advice of Reb Shmelke: “What is hateful in your neighbor, do not do yourself.”  

As we moderns look at our Tradition’s ancient categories, we can find guidance in ordering our lives and society. Not all ancient categorizations are just, but many are profoundly wise and helpful. That is why we carefully study our Torah to continue its tradition of holy righteousness.

The Holiness and Helpfulness of Categories, Part I

May 4th: Acharay Mot
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

Two chapters from this week’s Torah portion are traditionally read on Yom Kippur. Leviticus Chapter 16 tells of the ancient Yom Kippur “scapegoat” ritual in which the High Priest “places the sins of the people on a goat” and sends them and it out to Azazel (a desert dwelling demon.)   

Leviticus Chapter 18 explains the laws of consanguinity through a rather long list of prohibited sexual relationships. Among them:
“Do not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife; it is the nakedness of your father.”
“Do not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister; she is your father’s flesh.”
“Do not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter; nor shall you marry her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter and uncover her nakedness: they are kindred; it is depravity.”

These many prohibitions are summarized in Verse 24: “Do not defile yourselves in any of those ways, for it is by such that the nations that I am casting out before you defiled themselves. Thus the land became defiled; and I called it to account for its iniquity, and the land spewed out its inhabitants.”  

The rabbis who chose the High Holy Day Torah readings were obviously concerned about sexual immorality and wanted to make sure that people knew what not to do, but there is another paradigm being presented. We are each part of various categories, and these categories determine which behaviors are acceptable for us—and which are not.  

In the chapter about the scapegoat, the classifications are certainly part of the ritual. Two goats are presented to the High Priest, and based on lots, one is consigned to Azazel and the other to holy sacrifice. Before that, the High Priest does three levels of atonement—one for each of three categories: himself, his family, and all Israel. Of course, the category of priesthood allows him—and only him—to enter the Holy of Holies. Category determines proper and improper behavior. 

Think of the categories into which we fall—and how these classifications are germane to our lives. Some things are appropriate for children, others for adults. Some places are reserved for males, others for females. Some spaces are reserved for members or employees. (Like some restrooms!) Sometimes these separations seem appropriate, and sometimes they seem arbitrary—or even oppressive. Sometimes, it is just a matter of impolite labeling. I remember, for example, visiting the House of Commons in London and, because we were not Commonwealth citizens, being directed to the “Strangers’ Gallery.”  

Though we do not like unjust discrimination, some discrimination between categories of people is necessary for security or efficiency or matters of privacy. Though the White House in Washington, D.C., is “the people’s house,” most would consider its limitations on access to be important for national security. How different it was in 1829 when, at Andrew Jackson’s inauguration, thousands of citizens from the frontier traveled for an open house at the White House. They “made themselves at home” so enthusiastically that they had to be lured outside with bowls of liquored punch on the lawn. When the new president grew tired of the revelry, he apparently had to escape out a window. Admission these days is much more limited. 

Sometimes, our categories dictate when our actions or opinions are appropriate or allowed. In legal proceedings, only certain people have standing, while others are welcome to their opinions but have no legal power to participate. The same is true for professional qualifications—in medicine, law enforcement, insurance, real estate, or electrical installation. Only those who have proved their competence and are licensed are allowed to practice. From time to time, such questions may be re-addressed. For example, as late as the 1970s, the American Medical Association considered chiropractors and osteopaths “quacks,” but they were ultimately admitted to the realm of qualified medical professionals.  

There are also categories dictated by job description or jurisdiction. The Sheriff of Centre County is limited in where he can enforce the law. The synagogue office manager is not expected to write the D’var Torah—and should she be asked, may well wish that she could “stay in her own lane.” That would certainly be my thought if I were asked to figure out the congregational budget or fix our computers. While sometimes restrictive, our categories or job descriptions offer us definitional guidance in what we should or should not do. Sometimes, staying within our definitions is challenging, and we may stray into other people’s domains. For example, House Speaker Mike Johnson or Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer may have opinions about individuals who lead prominent universities or Middle Eastern nations, but hiring or firing such people is not in their job descriptions. Some professors and students may have opinions about the investment portfolios of university endowments, but such financial decisions are not theirs to determine. Despite the “ownership” various stakeholders feel, actual ownership/authority is quite limited. In the case of students, their limited knowledge, responsibility, and temporal horizons make such limits appropriate. The same goes for alumni. I may be unhappy with the Hebrew Union College’s decision to phase out rabbinic education at the Cincinnati campus, but I was ordained forty-two years ago and am not the one balancing the books or raising the money to keep the institution solvent. Such decisions are not “in my lane.”  

Sometimes we feel stifled by categorizations that limit our autonomy, and some would suggest that true freedom means ending such definitions of powers and prerogatives. I understand the frustration, but I wonder about decisions made by people who are unqualified or unconnected or not responsible for the consequences. Does the intensity of their feelings or the number of internet signatures they can assemble or the noise they can make or the celebrities who endorse their cause determine what should be done? Not all categorizations and limitations are just, but many are vital to the safe and responsible functioning of our institutions and families.  

Though the Torah is speaking about consanguinity, the principle is much more expansive. We are each part of a number of categories, and sometimes these categories provide us guidance as to what is and is not appropriate behavior. When the categories are unjust (see verse 22), they need to be challenged. But, in so many other cases, knowing where we fit in—and our subsequent responsibilities—can be very helpful.

Living Amidst Both the Seen and the Unseen

April 19th: Metzorah
Rabbi David E. Ostrich 

Years ago, I chanced to read the Betty Crocker Cookbook that my mother received as a new bride. Written in the 1940’s, the book featured both recipes and advice about home-making. Make sure that your home is clean and orderly, with fresh flowers on the nicely set table. This way your husband will feel welcome when he comes home in the evening. Perhaps young brides in that era found such advice helpful, but, when I read it in the 1970s—in the heyday of Women’s Liberation, many would have described the prescriptions for being a good housewife as antiquated and oppressive. The late humor columnist Erma Bombeck even described such counsel as nightmarish. And, yet, in the 1990’s, many au current people were investigating and investing in very similar home-making practices. Though derived from exotic places and graced with mystical names, things like Feng Shui and Zen Flower Arranging seemed pretty similar: techniques to make one’s home pleasant, comfortable, and inviting.  

Though phrased in vastly different ambiences, both approaches speak to a spiritual dimension to our physical lives. Can the energy of a house be healthy or unhealthy? Can there be a karmic element to our clothing—or good or negative vibrations in certain social settings? 

The Torah portions at this time of year—last week Tazria and this week Metzora—can be read as superstition intruding on physical matters. Skin diseases are not in the realm of religion—nor is mildew in a wall or some kind of growth in fabric. These are physical matters which need physical tending. Why then would the Torah call in the Kohanim/Priests? “When you enter the land of Canaan that I gave you as a possession, and I inflict an eruptive plague upon a house in the land you possess, the owner of the house shall come and tell the Priest.” (Leviticus 14.34) Is this pre-scientific thinking that sees supernatural causes for life’s problems and thus prescribes supernatural solutions for them? Or are we reading this text with too narrow a focus? 

First, it is important to notice that the remedies for such “affections” are both physical and spiritual. Skin is evaluated according to medical criteria, and walls and fabric are addressed physically. For example, “The house shall be scraped inside all around...and the stones replaced.” (v.41-42) Only after the physical situation has been dealt with are the religious rituals performed. Second, we need to remember that our compartmentalization of knowledge and expertise is not the only model. In many societies, leaders possess knowledge in a number of different fields. So, the possibility of a Kohen being trained in ritual matters and medical matters and textile matters and construction is not outlandish. And third, even the ancients allowed for experts to be brought in: the Midrashic collection Sifra includes a comment about Kohanim being assisted by lay people who may be more acquainted with the affected skin or materials. 

There is also the possibility that our counter-superstition thinking may have fallen prey to a kind of narrow-minded bias. The more we learn, the more our eyes are opened to forces and processes not yet explainable by science. This is particularly true of our health where any number of holistic factors seem to affect both body and mind. Think for a minute about all the things that were part of life and the world despite the fact that Science had not yet discovered, i.e., learned how to describe and measure scientifically. People were breathing oxygen long before Priestly discovered it. The Higgs Boson was doing whatever it did long before the recently departed Dr. Higgs identified it. And think about how things that used to be considered non-scientific—subjects like Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Marketing, Management, and Industrial Engineering—have been and are still being converted/transformed into Social Sciences. The goal of Social Scientists is basically to reconfigure/redefine what used to be considered wisdom or insight or intuition into science—forms of analysis that are quantifiable and replicable.  

My point is that we should not be too quick to discard the spiritual dimension as superstitious. Our lives and surroundings seem to be affected by any number of factors—some of which can be described scientifically, others of which cannot. Praying and positive attitudes seem to improve health prospects. Some people have charisma—putting out “vibes” that are more positive and inviting. Some people have “green thumbs” and do much better with plants than others (like me). And there are matters of the social fabric. Dishonesty or gossip or exploitation seem to have all kinds of effects—as do honesty and trust and good citizenship. So, when our Tradition speaks of the spiritual dimension of skin disease or building decay, we may not need a scientific explanation to pick up on the Torah’s cue that immorality brings about damage.  

It seems to me that there are two lessons to consider. First, inasmuch as God created creation—everything and the processes that lead to every thing’s existence and function, then God should have insights as to how existence should be operated. Whether the advice involves regular prayer or dietary customs or health regulations or moral and ethical guidance, since God created it all, it makes sense that God would have advice for how best to function in life. So, if God says that “leprosy” of the skin, cloth, or walls is comprised of both physical and spiritual dimensions, perhaps we should look at both dimensions—at both modalities in which existence can malfunction. 

Second, it is worthwhile to meditate on Infinity and what it means when God is described as Infinite. Whatever notion or image we may have of God, it is inevitably less that the totality of the what God really is. Though our ancient tradition speaks of God in anthropomorphic terms, such images are obviously limited human attempts to state the ineffable, to put an understandable “face” on Something far beyond our ability to know or conceive. This means that such phrases as “inasmuch as God created creation,” should be understood as much more than a big man putting together a project. The creative process—from the Big Bang and through billions of years—includes much we know and much we do not know, much we can measure and understand, and much we can only sense or anticipate. As the process continues to unfold, who knows what new phenomena are yet to be perceived or understood—or created. The point is that knowledge and insights about the spiritual dimension can be reflections of creation just as much as the scientific knowledge we have been so fortunate to discover. And they can be valuable and helpful as we negotiate a life we do not fully understand. 

Our Tradition bids us approach life and our sacred texts with both humility and curiosity. Everything is not as it seems. There are hidden dimensions and unexplained factors. Sometimes, physical situations are just that, but sometimes, there are other factors involved, and a wise person considers all the possibilities.

Leprosy and "Leprosy:" Figuring Out Which is Which

April 12th: Tazria
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

One of the great lessons of Torah came for me during a discussion on this week’s portion over forty years ago. Tazria is the portion in Leviticus (Chapters 12-13) which deals with “leprosy.” “When a person has a skin swelling, rash, or discoloration, and it develops into a scaly affection on the skin, it shall be reported to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons, the priests. The priest shall examine the affection on the skin: if hair in the affected patch has turned white and the affection appears to be deeper than the skin, it is a leprous affection; when the priest sees it, he shall pronounce the patient tameh/impure.” (Leviticus 13.2-3) 

Some modern translations hesitate to use the word leprosy because it refers to what medical science now knows are a large number of different skin disorders—Hansen’s Disease being only one. Nonetheless, whatever the skin disorder, the Priest’s diagnostic duty is to determine whether a rash is just a rash or something more serious.  

But this was not the great Torah lesson. The lesson came from a Senior Sermon that extrapolated from the priest’s declaration of tameh (impure) or tahor (pure) for leprosy to a matter of social justice. The issue was a plan to locate a group home for intellectually disabled adults in a residential neighborhood—and the opposition of some neighbors. The student rabbi saw the neighborhood opposition as a modern form of “shunning lepers” and maintained that no human should have the power to declare another human unacceptable. Who does the Kohen/Priest think he is to declare another human unacceptable? How could the Torah dictate such elitism and discrimination? 

My classmate’s social justice fervor was understandable, but our supervising professor was concerned about the way his anger impugned a legitimate priestly function. Is it unjust for a Priest to identify danger and then act to protect the community? Our professor did not question the social justice and egalitarian views of the student rabbi, but he did suggest a different perspective on the existence of authority. Is it possible that authority can be used for good? 

The Biblical Kohanim, he pointed out, do not act arbitrarily. They are trained in the medical skill of identifying dangerous and contagious conditions—in order to protect the community from them. If the rash turns out to be nothing more than a rash, then the Kohen can let everyone know that no danger exists. If the rash turns out to be leprous, then the Kohen can prescribe quarantine procedures and treatment to protect both patient and community. And, if the rash eventually goes away—if whatever it was has healed, then the patient and community can be given the “all clear” sign. Though authority is given and used, the purpose and effect is good. 

In the modern neighborhood discussion, the professor suggested, the problem is not in the existence of fear. Neighborhood residents have a right to be concerned about their safety and their property values. In every social justice pursuit, there needs to be a calculation about costs and benefits. As Hillel asks, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” (Avot 1.14) The fear—as in the ancient fear of someone’s possibly contagious rash—is understandable. What is needed is for the modern Kohen/moral leader to investigate the plan for the group home and the way the residents will be selected and supervised. If there is no danger, then they can be declared tahor. They are not lepers; they are pure. If there is danger, however, then it is reasonable for the modern religious leader—rabbinic or lay—to work on the situation so that both neighbors and group-home residents are treated fairly. In other words, authority should be used to determine the truth and then to act for the good.

There are times when we are very aware of our relative weakness—of our smallness in the world. Some people, institutions, and situations are so much greater than we are that we feel powerless, vulnerable. Sometimes, we look at these powers and feel resentment. Other times we find fault with the way authority is used. However, for all of its potential pitfalls, authority is a fact of life and can be both necessary and helpful. Rather than railing against authority qua authority, which my classmate seemed to be doing in both ancient and modern contexts, the lesson of the day was to figure out ways to use authority for justice and good. 

One more lesson. Our professor also suggested a different perspective on the Scripture. When we disagree with Scripture—when some ancient institutions and practices seem distasteful or morally problematic, we have a choice in how we distance ourselves from them. We can negate and reject the whole Biblical record, or we can try to understand how different times and cultural values led to such customs or laws—how something that might have begun with good or reasonable motivations eventuated in practices we now realize are neither just nor fair. This means viewing the Tradition with positive reverence—as one would view a work in progress. What began as ancient and imperfect attempts to live in holiness progressed through centuries of experience and insight—and gave us the chance to improve.  

In my mind, the Bible is like the founding documents of our United States. Though many of the principles and aspirations were not fulfilled in the early centuries of our national life, the seeds of justice and righteousness were planted—and our history shows a persistent struggle to make these goals reality. Though racism and misogyny and other prejudices stymied the lofty principles of The Declaration of Independence, the stated principles of equality and fairness have served as beacons, beckoning us to improve. The same can be said of the society outlined in the Torah. There are principles there, the attainments of which were far beyond the possibilities of our ancient ancestors. Nonetheless, the values are inscribed in our sacred texts, and, nurtured by conscience, have been waiting to be actualized and inspiring us to make our Judaism a better Judaism. Though there is more work to be done, the possibilities of living in relationship with the Divine call us to improvement.

Getting back to our Torah portion, the problem is not with identifying “leprosy” as dangerous. Skin diseases can be dangerous. The challenge is to be accurate in our identification and to manage our fears and responses—approaching our problems with clarity and justice. This is the challenge for authority and those of us who strive to use it for good.




Whose Side are You On?

April 5th: Shemini and HaChodesh
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

One of the big questions in the original Passover instructions involves the reason God and The Angel of Death need help telling which houses are Jewish and which are Egyptian. “For when the Lord goes through to smite the Egyptians, He will see the blood on the lintel and the two doorposts, and the Lord will pass over door and not let the Angel of Death enter and smite your home.” (Exodus 12.23) One would think that God would already know who is Hebrew and who is Egyptian—that is, who is supposed to go free in the morning and who is be smitten.  

What then is the purpose of the blood? One answer to this koshi (difficulty) suggests that the blood on the doorposts and lintels is a sign for the inhabitants. When they hear the screams of their Egyptian neighbors at the death of their first born, the Israelites will look at the blood on their doorposts and know that they are safe. Another view suggests that it is a self-identification ritual/test for the Israelites. To be freed from Egypt, the Israelites need to “sign on” to the Exodus process—to declare that they are willing to be part of God’s covenant. A third view addresses the expansiveness of God’s invitation to freedom. Accompanying the Israelites as they depart Egypt is a sizable contingent of non-Hebrews called the Erev Rav, the Mixed Multitude. These are people from many other backgrounds who, at some point, decide to affiliate with the Israelites. The Torah does not tell us when and how they join, but, at some point, these non-Israelites must develop a dissonance with Egypt’s oppressive policies and began a drift toward the Israelite side. On that fateful night, if they have drifted enough to the Israelite side and painted blood on their doorposts, then they are saved and included in Israel. 

This kind of drifting—between one side and another—is a common human behavior and is indicative of the subtleties of loyalty, support, and opposition in social relationships. 

There is a lot of talk these days about allies and ally-ship. What does it take to be an ally? We may have sympathy with others and wish to support them, but must we agree on everything? Or can we support them in some ways and disagree with them in others? A case in point is the Black Lives Matter movement. Many people believe that Black lives matter, but they do not agree with the anti-Zionist and anti-Capitalist platform of the official organization. Must compatriots agree on everything? Can allies share common goals but not agree on every decision? An example of unity and division can be found in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) where he addresses allies—both Black and White—who agree with him in principle but who disagree with him on strategy and timing. People think their own thoughts and have their own opinions. Regardless of the organization, there is seldom unanimity.


Some people are not happy with these varying degrees of agreement, and feelings can be hurt when allies and friends are repudiated for questions or doubts—or for other affiliations on which there is disagreement. Witness the many liberal Jewish activists who have been excoriated or expelled from various causes because of their support for Israel. 

The dynamics of loyalty and support can sometimes be confused by labeling. Whether or not one is an official card-carrying member of an organization or movement is not necessarily related to how one will speak up, or the money one will donate, or how one will vote on Election Day. Republicans may vote Democrat and vice versa. Behavior is more important than labels. 

A case in point is the current anti-Israel climate. There is an awful lot of anti-Semitism going around, but we can get caught up in the pedantic and semantic question of whether one is an “anti-Semite.” Can Arabs be anti-Semites? Can Jews be anti-Semitic? Are good-hearted people who express support for Palestine and who vilify Israel anti-Semites? Is it possible to be critical of Israel and not be anti-Jewish? Some distinctions are certainly possible, but the separating membranes can be very porous. In case after case after case, what begins as a critique of an Israeli policy slips into anti-Zionism—and then into full-fledged anti-Jewishness. When “Free Palestine” demonstrations devolve into “Kill the Jews,” anti-Semitism is present. When people yell “From the River to the Sea,” unless they are geographically challenged, they are speaking of removing the Jewish population from Israel/Palestine and pushing them into the sea—and are thus expressing anti-Jewish hate. When peace groups or city councils pass “Immediate Cease Fire” resolutions, they are demanding that Hamas be given the chance to rearm, reload, and attack again—and are thus engaging in anti-Semitism. Even if these people are Jewish or friends of Jews, their behavior and words give emotional and political support to anti-Jewish groups.  

The arguing about labels reminds me of two terms from very bad sources. When Chairman Mao—arguably the most evil person of the last century—saw someone opposing him, he ignored the semantic discussion of whether or not the person was an anti-Communist. If the person’s actions or words opposed Communism, then the person was identified as a Running Dog of the Capitalists. If people ran enthusiastically after anti-Communist activities, it did not matter what kind of “membership card” they had in their wallets. Or we could use a term favored by the Soviets in reference to U.S. supporters: Useful Idiots. They might not have been card-carrying Communists, but their words and votes contributed to Soviet efforts to undermine America.  

So, whether Israel’s various foes are actual anti-Semites, or running dogs of the anti-Semites, or useful idiots doing the anti-Semites’ work, there are lots of people giving emotional and material support to anti-Semitism—a reality that makes fighting over labels beside the point. We do not need to argue about whether NPR’s reporters (including lots of Jews) are anti-Semites. We just need to hear their verbatim repetition of Hamas propaganda and their continual vilification of Israel to know that they are running dogs of anti-Semitism. Their words support people whose stated goal is the murder of every Israeli and every Jew. The same can be said of city councils, and “progressives,” and “human rights advocates,” and all those whose critiques of Israeli policies quickly bleed into murderous rhetoric or implications. Whether card-carrying anti-Semites or not, they are useful idiots helping Jew-haters. Their behavior effects anti-Semitism, and we need to defend ourselves against them. 

When it comes to allyship or “enemy-ship,” we do not need to rely on symbolic statements of membership. We, like God, do not need symbols like the blood painted on the doorposts and lintels of the ancient Israelite homes. We know who is inside. We can tell by their words and their actions whose side they are on.

Understanding the Word "Mitzvah"

March 29th: Tzav
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

When I compiled and edited our congregational prayer book, Siddur B’rit Shalom, one of my principles was that the English translations accurately translate the traditional Hebrew prayers. Some of our traditional Hebrew prayers contain problematic passages—and some prayer books keep the original Hebrew but have translations that avoid the difficulties. One small example is Ayn Kelohaynu in the red Siddur Hadash which has the traditional last line of the Hebrew but leaves out of the translation the antiquated reference to incense.  

Though fully accurate translation was one of my principles, I wavered on one word—the word that is the title of our weekly portion. Tzav is the imperative form of the word Mitzvah—and how to translate Mitzvah in modern Liberal Judaism is a bit of a challenge. 

In the Bible, the word means commandment, and much of Biblical and Talmudic Judaism is oriented around a kind of military paradigm. There is a Commander (God), commandments (the Mitzvot), and “commandees.” The determination of these “commandees” occupies many discussions in the Talmud. Some Mitzvot are for men, some for women, some for all ages, some for people over the age of thirteen. Some are for people living in the Land of Israel—some in Temple times, some when the Temple is not in operation. Some are for Jews, and some for non-Jews. Whoever the “commmandee,” however, there is a very firm expectation that the Mitzvot / commandments will be obeyed. As the saying goes, “They are commandments, not suggestions.”  

Note the tenor of these Mitzvot in the opening paragraph of our Torah portion: “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Command Aaron and his sons thus: This is the ritual of the burnt offering: The burnt offering (olah) itself shall remain where it is burned upon the altar all night until morning, while the fire on the altar is kept going on it. The priest shall dress in linen raiment, with linen breeches next to his body…”   (Leviticus 6.1-3) These rules and the many that follow are meant to be followed scrupulously.  

This approach continues to be the Orthodox way of viewing Torah, but it is not the understanding  of Liberal Judaism (Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist). While the Orthodox see the Torah as a set of permanent and immutable instructions from God—commandments that people are commanded to follow for all time, Liberal Jews have a different sense of our ancient religious tradition. We look at the Hebrew Scriptures as a reflection of our people’s spiritual seeking and history—what our ancient ancestors thought God wanted them to do. We study these ancient ideas and stories. We revere their spiritual aspirations. And we strive to continue the tradition of living a life of holiness in the presence of God. However, we do not see these ancient instructions as binding—as commandments that are applicable to us. And thus translating the terms Mitzvot/Commandments or V’tzivanu/and commanded us requires some theological contemplation.  

For religious Liberal Jews, the Mitzvot are seen as sanctifying actions—ritual behaviors that bring a sense of God’s Presence into our lives. We do them at times when we choose to connect with God. And we choose which of the traditional practices we find meaningful. We also may make some creative adaptations. In other words, the Mitzvot are not seen as obedience to the Divine Will, but rather as voluntary moments of spiritual encounter.   

(There is also, of course, the Yiddishism and connotation that a Mitzvah is a good deed. Since God wants us to be good, kind, and just, any good deeds we do are in a sense commanded by God. For a moral person, helping others is compelling.) 

So, how do we translate a word that used to invoke a cosmic sense of obligation and obedience—but that now involves a conscious choice to engage the spiritual? It is as though our ancient and revered tradition offers a catalogue of sanctifying opportunities, and we offer thanks to the Creator for those which help draw us consciously closer. And we can feel affection and appreciation for our ancestral spiritual guides who fashioned from their experiences with God ways for us to feel that closeness in our own days and ways. 

When I think of the nature and development of religion, I find helpful the words of William James as he sought to describe the religious drive—that Religion is “the human response to an undifferentiated sense of reality, to the ‘more’” (an undefinable, non-empirical feeling of a Presence). Many of us sense that Presence, and we feel part of traditions of thought and behavior that help us understand this ineffable aspect of reality and live in mindful relationship with It. The source of our religiosity and spiritual yearning is in this greater “more,” and all of the various religious responses (religion) are the results of human yearning and creativity. As Ellis Rivkin used to say, “Religion is the religious response to reality.”  

How then does a Liberal Jew understand the opening passage in this week’s portion—about “the burnt offering (olah) remaining where it is burned upon the altar all night until morning,” and “the priest dressing in linen raiment, with linen breeches next to his body” or any other of the Torah’s Mitzvot? While the text treats them as specific instructions from the Eternal God of the Universe, the modern Liberal Jewish understanding is that they are what our ancient and pious ancestors conceived to be the most respectful and proper ways to worship/draw close to God. Holiness is represented in both views, but the source and development of these instructions are where we differ. 

In Liberal Judaism, we do not understand phrases like Asher kidishanu b’mitzvotav / Who makes us holy with the mitzvot as the cosmic Presence commanding us in actual words Rather we read it in the sense that the cosmic Presence is inducing us to make a sacred connection—and, through our Tradition of spiritual quest, offering us opportunities for holiness and sacred connection. In other words, there is a lot of theology in something as simple as lighting the Sabbath candles or blessing the Sabbath wine. We can take the words literally, or we can understand the many years of religious thinking that inform them. We are given the opportunity to approach the Eternal and to bring some of that holiness—godliness—into our lives. 

Baruch Atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech ha’olam, Asher kidishanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu…
We praise You, O Lord our God, Ruler of all, Who makes us holy with Your mitzvot and teaches us…
to live and strive spiritually in Jewish ways. 

The Problem with AIPAC

March 22nd: Parshat Zachor and Approaching Purim, Part II
Rabbi David E. Ostrich

We are small and weak—and none of us have much power. Oh yes, we have the power of the ballot box, but our single votes only count if lots of other people vote along with us. We hear about the apocryphal butterfly—whose fluttering wings affect the entire world, but if a bunch of other butterflies are fluttering their wings in a different way, won’t they affect the world more? Though each of us has some agency, the fact is that we are weak and at the mercy of greater powers. Overwhelmed, we often try to identify and understand the greater forces that exert so much influence—and we have lots of suspects: the capitalists, the communists, the corporations, organized crime. And what about the lobbyists—those evil agents who sneak into the corridors of power and manipulate our hapless legislators? 

A lot can be said about lobbyists, but a closer look at the legislative process reveals a much less nefarious presence. What most lobbyists provide is expertise—expertise about the ways legislation can solve or cause problems. Since legislators and their advisors cannot possibly understand enough about all the realms they are asked to address, they consult the various vested interests—the ones on both sides who actually know. These are the lobbyists.  

Nonetheless, we love to imagine corruption and influence peddling as the real reasons for big decisions, and we love to vent our spleens at these mythical and malevolent foes. A case in point is AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, an organization often accused by Israel’s critics of unfairly controlling American foreign policy. Founded in 1963, AIPAC is a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the legislative and executive branches of the United States. It provides information and insights about Israel and often brings legislators on “missions,” trips to Israel so that they can see in person the various strategic and demographic realities. A sophisticated and well-funded operation, AIPAC also spreads its message through grassroots work in both the Jewish and Gentile communities.  

I mentioned well-funded, and this is one of its problems. The funding comes from thousands of supporters—both Jewish and non-Jewish—who need to be convinced that their donations will be well-spent, and thus AIPAC does a lot of bragging. They brag about their successes, and they brag about their influence. While the real “product” is the fact that Israel’s case argues itself, AIPAC loves to claim credit for America’s support for Israel—and herein lies the problem. Non-biased observers understand that AIPAC’s bragging is just salesmanship, but biased observers turn the salesmanship into proof of a nefarious conspiracy—that AIPAC “controls” American foreign policy and turns us away from “what is in our best interests.”  

If you think that this sounds like classic anti-Semitism, you are correct. Just like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the anti-AIPAC line attributes controlling power to a hidden cabal of Jewish leaders who manipulate the hapless President and Congress, “betraying America and supporting the Jews.” This charge is absurd and misdirects attention away from the real reason the U.S. supports Israel: Israel’s presence and interests coincide with ours!

The late historian Ellis Rivkin of the Hebrew Union College used to say that, if there were not a single Jew in the United States, the U.S. would still support Israel. In a part of the world filled with valuable resources, vital trade routes, and forces working against us, Israel is the world’s largest “aircraft carrier.” It represents and defends American interests—and the Israelis man the ship themselves. Also, Israel is a “beachhead of developmental capitalism,” representing and offering the benefits of democracy and progress in a part of the world woefully in need of it. In other words, the U.S. supports Israel because it is good for the United States. 

Another reason the U.S. supports Israel is also not Jewish. America is home to a vast number of Evangelical Christians who believe God’s words to Abraham in Genesis 12: “I will bless those who bless you, and curse him that curses you; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves through you.” These Christians are a powerful presence in American politics, and they see supporting Israel as blessing Abraham’s descendants—and inviting God’s blessings.  

America has many more Evangelicals than Jews, and so one may wonder why anti-Zionist and pro-Hamas groups narrow their focus onto AIPAC and “the Jews” instead of attacking the Christian supporters of Israel. Could it be that Jews are deemed a “safer” target—that attacks against Evangelical Christians would be met with more than dismay and philosophical speeches? Like the playground bully who only goes after kids who won’t fight back, the Arab and “Progressive” anti-Semites know better than to attack a demographic not known for its exceeding tolerance.  

Yes, we Jews are devoted to Israel, but we are not the reason the United States stands up for the Jewish State. The case for Israel argues itself, and AIPAC is merely an educational effort to help our governmental leaders understand.  

Perhaps we can summarize this with a look at two texts—the Purim story and the letter of George Washington to the  Jews of Newport, Rhode Island. The Book of Esther certainly tells of a victory for the Jews. We are given the right to defend ourselves, we do so and survive, and we celebrate. However, Esther and Mordecai are lifted to high positions not because of their religion but because of their human qualities. Esther is beautiful and kind. Mordecai is loyal and wise—and he administers with fairness for all. They may be Jewish, but they function in their public roles as good Persian citizens.  

George Washington states this same principle. When the Newport congregation writes to congratulate him on his election to the presidency, he responds with a statement of inclusion that resounds through history. We in the United States, he writes, do not speak of tolerance anymore, “as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.”  

The Jews (and Gentiles) who support AIPAC are not pursuing a “Jewish and anti-American” agenda; they are participating in American democracy, “giving it on all occasions their effectual support,” and showing that supporting Israel is good for America.

“Orientalism” and the Continuing Failure of the Peace Process

March 15th: Approaching Purim and Shabbat Zachor
Rabbi David E. Ostrich 

I am not a fan of Edward Said. I think that his literary theory—which has grown like kudzu into international politics and sociology and pretty much everything else –is responsible for many of the world’s intellectual woes. Nonetheless, even the wrong can be occasionally right. 

Said, the late Professor of Literature at Columbia, taught that Western writers often try to see the Orient (a term for non-Western countries and cultures) from an Occidental/Western point of view—and that, in doing so, they misunderstand the peoples and cultures of Asia. If we (Westerners) want to accurately analyze the Orient, we need to see it in their (non-Western) terms, categories, social mores, etc. Orientalism is the fallacy that occurs when we foist our sensibilities or Weltanschauung onto non-Westerners and mispresent them and their cultures. 

A case in point is our thinking about the Arabs and their resistance to the State of Israel. Many of us think that Arabs are “just like us: if we are nice to them, then they will be nice to us.” So, from the 1920s, various Western and Jewish thinkers have proposed sharing the Middle East and assigning Jews and Arabs their own areas. This initial thought came in the League of Nations’ Mandates to re-organize the disintegrating Ottoman Empire. Lots of land was given to the Arabs (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt), and a little bit of land (Palestine) was given to the Jews. Considering the percentage of native Jews in the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), the area of Palestine was much smaller than proportional, but, when the Arabs protested, more than half of Palestine was removed from the Mandate and given to the Arab Hashemite Tribe. This resulted in the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan (the part of Palestine across (east of) the Jordan River). Still, the Arabs objected, so the United Nations tried a further division in the 1947 Partition Plan. Some areas of a diminished Palestine were assigned to Jews, and other areas of this diminished Palestine were assigned to Arabs. This too was unacceptable to the Arabs, and, the day after Israel declared itself a state, five Arab armies invaded. 

Though many years have passed, the story has been remarkably consistent. Western types keep trying to offer land to the Arabs in a dizzying variety of peace packages, and the Arabs keep rejecting them. Sometimes, they even accentuate their rejection with an intifada. 

A brief geographical note: on October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded Israel from Gaza, a territory owned and ruled by Arab Palestinians for eighteen years. 

The months since October 7 have seen a number of speakers rise to celebrity status for their passionate, well-reasoned, and insightful defense of Israel. Those of us battered by the international crusade against Israel are often comforted and inspired by the likes of Eylon Levy, Bari Weiss, and Douglas Murray. New to me—though not new to the situation—is Einat Wilf, an academic, former diplomat, and former Member of Knesset. Dr. Wilf has been a dyed-in-the-wool Israeli peacenik, laboring with Shimon Peres in the peace process and in the Labor Party and eventually realizing the error of her ways. She sees the origins of the current situation in the last days of the Ottoman Empire and in the failed British attempt to work the Mandate and set up ethnically-based nation states. Among her most insightful finds is a 1947 statement by the British Foreign Secretary—an anti-Semite named Ernest Bevin—explaining why Britain has been unsuccessful: “His Majesty’s Government have thus been faced with an irreconcilable conflict of principles … For the Jews, the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish State. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine.” 

Think about this. Bevin’s 1947 review of the thirty-year British experience in Palestine explains pretty much everything that has happened between Israel and the Arabs for more than a century. The Jews want a Jewish State and will do whatever they can to make it happen. The Arabs oppose any kind of Jewish State in “Arab territory” and will do anything they can to stop it.  

That is why every offer of “land for peace” with the Palestinians has been rejected by the Palestinians. That is why Yasser Arafat rejected a Palestinian State on the West Bank and in Gaza and with East Jerusalem as its capital—and immediately started the Second Intifada. That is why eighteen years of Palestinian autonomy in Gaza led to the October 7 invasion of Israel and massacres of Israelis. That is why Hamas is happy to “sacrifice” their Arab human shields, and that is why current calls for a ceasefire are subterfuges for reloading and re-arming. For the Arabs, “From the River to the Sea” is not a call for peace; it is a call for annihilation. 

Thinking that they are “just like us” is Orientalism—foisting our image of reasonableness on a population whose guiding principles are offended by the very existence of a sovereign Jewish State. For them, it is a point of racial, cultural, and cosmic principle to destroy any Zionist entity, and thus offers of land and autonomy are beside the point. Thinking that the Arabs will be assuaged by anything other than the dismantling of Israel is an Orientalist fantasy, one that will fail again and again and again. 

This is not racism but history. As Dr. Wilf explains, the long-standing Arab/Muslim attitude toward Jews is that we should be weak, deferential, and never in charge. This had been the Jewish survival strategy from around 200 CE, and it was the strategy of Jews during the years when Islam was created and came to dominate much of the world. However, since the 1800s, the notion of Jewish Self-Defense has risen, and we Jews have made ourselves powerful and autonomous. What used to be a Jewish fantasy expressed in the Purim story of Esther and Mordecai has become a reality. Today’s Jewish presence is one traditional Muslim and Arab sensibilities cannot accept. 

Do we wish that there were no enemies? Do we yearn to sing Kumbaya as we hold hands with our neighbors? Inshallah! However, we have enemies—self-declared enemies who oppose us, who wish us harm, and who will not be deterred by territorial compromises. They are out to destroy Israel and any non-acquiescent Jews. We either stand firm, or we give up. 

“Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey, after you left Egypt—how, undeterred by fear of God, he surprised you on the march, when you were famished and weary, and cut down all the stragglers in your rear. Therefore, when the Lord your God grants your safety from all your enemies around you, in the land of that the Lord your God is giving you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!” (Deuteronomy 25.17-19)