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Virtual Torah Luncheon

Join us for a special Zoom Torah Luncheon for Shavuot. Shavuot is known as the Feast of Weeks, but it is also known as the time of Matan Torah, the Giving of the Torah to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. We’ll gather at 12:00 Noon and kibitz and eat lunch (BYO!). Then we’ll talk about the Giving of the Torah and the many lessons and insights we can learn from these ancient events.

To join us, go to the home page of this website and look for the button that says Virtual Shabbat. Click that button and then the one that pops up: Join Livestream. We’ll be using the same pre-established Zoom meeting we use for our Friday Night Shabbat Services. See you soon! Bring your lunch and a Bible!