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Peace Negotiations Between Israel and the Palestinians

You are invited to attend a lecture by Ian Lustick, Heyman Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, on April 25th at 4:30 pm. Professor Lustick is a specialist on the modern history and politics of the Middle East. The topic of the presentation is "Are peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians the solution or the problem?”

This lecture is organized by a new program called Jewish Perspectives. Offered via Zoom, this monthly program will focus on major issues in contemporary Jewish life. It will be modeled on the format of William F. Buckley Jr.'s Firing Line, which ran on PBS from 1966-1999. Each 90 minute session will feature a prominent scholar, past or present government official or leading member of the clergy serving as a guest expert. The last 45 minutes will be reserved for audience participation.

Earlier Event: April 22
Storytime with Mrs. Miller