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Save a Life Shabbat: Organ Transplantation

Why organ and tissue donation?  We prefer to think of it as why not? The decision to register as an organ and/or tissue donor is one that many people do not address until the time a tragedy strikes and a family is facing the loss of a loved one. However, due to the hectic and mind-numbing effects of emergencies, addressing this issue now can prove invaluable. If the unthinkable happens, then, at least, the family knows everyone's feelings and desires.

Why organ and tissues donation? It is estimated that twenty-two people die each day waiting for a lifesaving donation. Every ten minutes, another name is added to the waiting lists. Current numbers have 118,000 people waiting for a donation to save their lives. And, thousands more await the gift of human tissue--skin or bone-- that can be truly life-enhancing. The decision by an individual to become an organ or tissue donor can possibly save or enhance the lives of 50 other individuals. It is truly a gift of life.

Please join us this evening as we focus our Shabbat attention on this important and life-saving possibility. We'll have a regular Shabbat Service in which Rabbi Ostrich's D'var Torah will look at the Jewish view of organ and tissue transplantation. Then, during our Oneg Shabbat, we'll have a discussion with individuals whose experiences with donated organs or tissue are truly touching. 

We are taught that "Whoever saves a life is considered to have saved the entire world." (Mishnah Sanhedrine 4.5) This subject is truly worthy of your attention.