Join us for a three session introduction to the Jewish religion and culture.
(Monday May 2nd, Monday May 9th, and Monday May 16th: 7:00 - 8:30 PM)
The subjects will be Jewish Spirituality, Jewish Ethics, and the Jewish Sense of Community. For each, Rabbi David Ostrich will share a number of sacred texts from the Bible and the Talmud and consider their messages both for ancient times and modern application. As is the Jewish custom, there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Who is invited? Everyone!
(1) Non-Jews interested in learning something about the Jewish religion and culture.
(2) Non-Jews who are considering Judaism as a spiritual path.
(3) Jews who are unaffiliated and would like to get back in touch with their heritage.
(4) Members of Congregation Brit Shalom who would like a brush up on the basics.
There is no charge for the class. We ask only that you make reservations so that we can have enough chairs and study materials.
For information and registration, please contact:
Michelle Davis, Office Manager at (814) 238-4611 or
Rabbi David Ostrich at (814) 238-4611 or